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Steve returned shortly after he left, wildly discussing something with Dr. Bruce Banner who seemed intimidated and ashamed.

"How? How could this have happened?! Bucky is the cat and the cat is Bucky now? How do you think this will work. The cat is a filthy, dirty and unexperienced thing from the street! How could it possibly handle life as a human?!" , you heard him yell. Bucky, who was still slashing your skin lessened his effort to kill you a little bit. Now you were angry.

"What did you just call me?" , you hissed rising from the sofa and crawling up to Steve on all four as this was what you were used to. Walking on all four. A threatening growl escaped your wide open mouth.

"I didn't know that Barnes throat was capable of producing such noises" , muttered Banner. Steve sighed.

"I'm sorry, cat. I may have been insulting you and this wasn't fair but it's true. You don't know the slightest bit about human life" , explained Steve, his voice a lot calmer. You just hissed, still cowering in front of Steve.

Bucky the cat, who fell to the ground when you rose in your anger made noises that sounded a bit like: "Tell her!"

"The first thing is that we normally walk upright. On two legs. Not like you on four. So far, so easy. Get up" , demanded Steve.

You stared at him in disbelieve. You were a cat. You didn't care about human rules or rules at all. You were a free creature and whoever tried to force something on you would clearly fail.

"Well, maybe, but I am a cat" , you said, tilting your head.

"At the very moment you are not. You are a human beings as long as you are caught in this body and you can't deny it. Now get up and I'll show you how to human. Let's start with something simple first: Walking on two legs" , said Steve, reaching out his arm and offering you his palm. You stared at it in bewilderment.

"God... You ought to grab my hand and I will help you stand up" explained Cap rolling his eyes. Helping you was harder than he had thought and you were aware of the fact that he only did this for Bucky's sake.

You grabbed his hand and this really amde it easier to stand up so you didn't let go off his hand. Just in case.

"Why aren't the two of you in a relationship? I don't get it" , you muttered. Steve sighed.

"Okay, you have another lesson to learn before we go to the walking part: Respect ones privacy. Even though you are caught in Bucky's body his love life is none of your business. Understood this so far?" , he asked, sounding slightly irritated.

"Well... yes. It's not hard to understand but you humans are. Look, if a he cat wants to mate and the she cat is ready they just yell out and then they fu..." , you explained.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks, I can imagine the rest of it. No need to go into detail!" , shrieked Cap, his eyes bright with uneasiness. Banner seemed to have a lot of fun though. He giggled and held his belly, squinting his eyes.

"Tony should hear this" , he laughed, little tears fell out of his eyes.

"Don't you humans talk about fuc..." , he started only to be interrupted by Cap again.

"No! You see, humans are quite... sensible if it comes to this topic. Let's just say we prefer not to talk about it" , sighed Cap, clearly distressed. Banner's laughing increased.

"But you do reproduce through fu..." , he interrupted you again.

"Of course we do, we just don't talk about... reproduction. Keep in mind to avoid this topic when talking to people, yeah?" , he sounded very uncomfortable. Banner struggled to keep his balance. You weren't sure if it was because of the giggling or because his standing on only two legs finally bothered him.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now