catfood and human food

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Your stomach growled loudly. You hadn't eaten in a while. Actually you hadn't eaten anything since you stole the ham from the breads of Clint and Nat but this was when you still were a cat. You didn't know when Bucky had eaten the last time.

"I'm hungry!" , you noticed, changing the topic so abruptly that Steve frowned in confusion but he also seemed to be grateful.

"Ehm... Let's eat something then" , he suggested. You thought this to be a good thing to do when you were hungry and so you got up. Bucky, the high cat, tumbled to the ground and stayed there, breathing heavily.

"He should be hungry too, even though he can't quite show it. I need to talk to this Tony guy. It's not a good idea to make me smell like catnip" , you muttered. Steve grinned.

"We could change your smell using perfume. It should solve the problem for the moment. We'll get you some new shampoo soon" , suggested Steve. You shrugged and followed him into his bathroom. Bucky stumbled around behind you, trying his best to keep up.

It was quite orderly in Steve's bathroom. He seemed to be this 'cleaning everything up' kind of guy.

He grabbed a bottle from a small cupboard and gestured for you to stand in front of him. Bucky rubbed himself against your legs and you gently pushed him away. No more drugs for him. He hissed. He didn't agree with you. His mission was 'More drugs for Bucky'.

Steve started to press some kind of button on top of the bottle and instantly drowned you in a cloud of a liquid that smelled quite intensively like Steve. Bucky sneezed. You held your breath.

When he was content with the result, Steve stopped and placed the bottle back in the cupboard.

"Here you go" , he said happily. Bucky sneezed again and made some suffocating noises. His sensitive cat airways didn't like the aggressive perfume which probably contained alcohol.

"Thank you. I think we better leave" , you suggested and already started moving. With a sigh you picked the sneezing, panting and still rather high Bucky up and carried him out of the room, Steve behind you.

"Our aim is the kitchen. The room we drank in yesterday" , reminded Steve and you turned left. When you opened the door to the kitchen you were surprised to see that it wasn't empty. Tony Stark sat on a chair and chewed something. As soon as you entered the room he looked up and started grinning.

"Hello, kitty soldier. Did you drown in Steve's cologne or something? You smell rather intensive..." , he noticed, laughing about his not very funny joke.

"Well, someone added some catnip to Buck's shampoo and he washed with it and then the cat went crazy over it. So I did something against it" , hissed Steve, sounding irritated. Stark laughed.

"Oh, this was one of my better jokes. How was he, drugged Bucky cat?" , he asked, taking a bite of some sort of round thing.

"It was not funny. He vomited on this red carpet of yours" , said Steve aggressively. You tilted your head. This was nothing you could remember happening. Tony went pale.

"What? No!" , he exclaimed, panic well audible in his voice. He even dropped this round food thing he was eating.

"I don't remember him vomiting...?" , you muttered, shooting Steve a confused glance. He signalled you to stay the hell quiet. This was some kind of human thing again, you didn't understand. Well, you would stay quiet then.

Tony was so busy panicking that he didn't hear what you said and approached Steve instead.

"Did you remove it? This carpet was expensive and I don't think I can organize a new one! Did you add some disinfectant? Does it smell very bad?" , he exploded. You shook your head. How could you go crazy over such a thing as a carpet? This humans...

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora