The Junior and the Sophmore

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I am the original author of this story. This story had been stolen from me over this past summer, but Wattpad took care of it. So this is MY story from my official page. I hope you enjoy my work. :)


I walked into my class, eager to learn a new language. I check my name on the board and head to my assigned seat. My first day as a sophomore will surly be as uneventful as most first days were. Typically you sit down, read the syllabus, introduce yourself and that's pretty much the extent of what you do on the first day. The only thing that made today any different was the fact that I'm now a sophomore. It's a simple thing I admit, but in actuality it means I've shed the title of being "fresh meat". I'm no longer a freshman and I'm no longer the target for upperclassman, which means I could fly under the radar.

My German teacher walked through the door and greeted us in English, and then in German. Her short white hair barely fell to her shoulders, and in the florescent lighting you could see the strands of silver grey hair that stood out among the white strands. She had the biggest smile across her face as she began to introduce herself and explain why German was a wonderful language to learn. I couldn't help but lean forward, intrigued by her stories of her many visits to Germany. When she finished her stores, she asked us to stand up and introduce ourselves and to share a fun fact about ourselves. I felt my stomach drop. I absolutely loathed doing  stuff like this on the first day. As students rose to say their new German name, grade, age and fun fact I soon realized I was the youngest. Crap. There goes my hopes of shaking that title of being the youngest amongst my peers. I knew I should have started this class last year. Now I'm stuck with all the older kids who decided to wait.

"Okay class, now I would like you to partner up with the person behind you and practice introducing yourselves. Get to know your partner as well, because you will be working closely with them for the next year." The teacher said, clapping her hands together.

I clutched my journal to my chest, and turned to face my new partner. My breath caught in my throat as I came face to face with my new partner. The boy before me had gorgeous sea green eyes that had speckles of blue around the outer part of the iris and a ring of gold around the pupil. He had abnormally long and full eyelashes for guy, and they made me want to stare into his eyes even more. His skin was a deep olive color that made the color of his eyes pop. His hair was such a beautiful brown color, that had a blonde tint to it that almost reminded me of honey. It was a glorious mess, but it was so cute the way the his hair curled at the end. If I didn't know any better, I would say I was looking at the face of a god.

I gulped, and nervously introduced myself using my new German name. "Hi, I'm Anasticia. I'm a soph-"

"You're a soph-y?"  he asked, raising his eyebrow. Great, I just got out of the "fresh meat" nick name, now soph-y?(pronounced softy but without the "t" sound) Fabulous. 

"Yeah..." I said quietly. I usually wasn't so mousy and quiet, but how else was I supposed to act in front of this guy? 

"Figures, I'd get stuck with the only sophomore in the class." He groaned, rubbing his hand over his face.

My face turned a deep scarlet color as my anger started to take over.  "What the hell is your problem?! You're literally a year older than me, that's it. Why does my grade mean anything to you?" 

 I mentally slapped myself. I just snapped at a junior, someone who is in high school terms, "superior" to me. I flinched away, preparing for him to snap back, but he didn't. Instead he just raised his eyebrow and stared at me as though no one had ever spoken to him that way. Ever. I gulped, and waited for some sort of harsh statement to fall out of his mouth.

Instead of yelling at me, he turned to face our teacher, ignoring me completely. "Umm, excuse me? Can I please have a different partner?"

Our teacher looked up from her book and stared at us with confused eyes, "Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, I don't think the two of us will be able to get along this semester, and I won't be able to learn in a hostile learning environment. So could I please have a different partner?" He begged.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his dramatic statement. If anyone was creating a hostile learning environment, it was him. He was the one demeaning me because of something as simple as an age difference, and on the first day no less!

Our teacher tucked a strand of grey hair behind her ear, and crossed her arms, "I've never had any issues with any partners through all my years of teaching. You two just met, so I'm sure you can work out what ever issues-"

"NO!" we both said at the same time. We both glared at each other, If looks could kill we'd both be goners. I've never hated someone so passionately within minutes of meeting them, but this boy was an exception. He may be handsome, but his personality is absolute garbage. That alone was enough to make him hideous in my eyes.

Our teacher sat there, tapping her fingers on her desk  as if trying to solve some sort of difficult equation. "See me after class and we'll discuss our options." She turned around and walked to another student before either of us had a chance to argue with her.

I groaned in frustration and turned forward. "You're such a jerk!" I grumbled over my shoulder.

"You're such a bitch." he snapped back.


This went on for the rest of the class. We called each other foul names, and I'm pretty sure we invented a few. The only thing stopping us was the loud ring of the bell. The teacher motioned for us to come to her desk. We walked over, keeping at least a 3 feet distance, as though we had a contagious disease that would infect the other if we stood too close.

"I took the liberty of pulling up both of your schedules to see when your advisory is, and it just so happens both of you have the same advisory period which is now. So we're going to use the next 20 minutes to nip this issue in the butt. Please, take a seat." She said with a smile.

We both made sounds of disgust, but our teacher ignored it and smile. "I found that when students don't get along its due to a lack of common interests. But usually there's always one shared interest, which is all we really need to solve this problem."

"Me have something in common with this her?! Hell no." he said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.

"HEY!" I whined.

"Ahem! No foul language!" our teacher cautioned, which made both of us groan and sit back in our seats. "I printed out a sheet of questions to ask you two to see if we can find a common interest-"

"This is ridiculous. I'm not sitting here while we play 20 questions!" he scoffed, as he stood from his chair and reached for his back pack. 

"Sit down Mr. Cavanaugh or else I will have no choice but to give you detention!" Our teacher snapped. He froze in his tracks and dropped his backpack as he slid back in his chair in defeat.I couldn't help but smirk.

 "Okay, let's get started! What is your favorite food?" she asked

I thought for a second, "Mac and Cheese."

She glanced at Bryce, "Pizza."

She frowned and crossed it off the list. "How about favorite movie?"

"She's the Man." I answered

"21 Jump Street." he sighed.

She crossed it off the list.

She continued to ask questions and continued to cross them off the list. We had nothing in common! Zip! Zero! Nada! This was pointless! If anything, I was hating him more with each question he answered. This interrogation was becoming absolutely frustrating. I glanced at the clock. There was only two minutes before she would have to let us go to lunch.

Our teacher let out a defeated sigh and looked down at her list, "The last question I have left is about sports. So, what is your favorite sport?"

"Soccer." We both said.

My Soccer BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora