Burps of Peace

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It didn't take long for us to eat the doughnuts he bought. I sat on the sofa, smiling pleasantly to myself. I know I felt sick earlier, but at the risk of sounding like a whiny baby, I think I was just sad. Now I was so unbelievably happy, and I didn't feel sick anymore.

"So do you accept my peace offering?" Bryce asked.

I burped loudly as if in response. I gasped and covered my mouth, my cheeks burning scarlet red from embarrassments. I can't believe I just burped! It's not like I haven't burped in front of people before, usually the girls on the team have burping contests. But I have never burped in front of a guy before!

I nervously glanced at Bryce, but he held up his hand. He let out a loud and long burp. We both busted out laughing. Who knew I would be sitting here with my hot, soccer playing enemy, drinking fappaes, eating doughnuts, and burping!? Certainly not me. Especially not after the arguments we had gotten into those first two days. Wow our, ummm, "friendship" has really been a dramatic rollercoaster. But I like being with him when he's like this. When he's kind and warm hearted, and himself.

"So do you mind catching me up to base with what I missed in German?" I asked.

"Yeah, I also got the notes from your other classes too." He told me as he reached into his backpack.

"How-" I started to ask.

"Britney gave you that, didn't she?" I asked.

"Not necessarily... I asked her for it, then ordered her to give it to me. Then begged." He admitted.

"Really..?" I said, smiling to myself.

He cleared his throat, "Well,, umm yeah. I was already bringing you your German homework; it seemed rather pointless not to get the rest of it."

He placed my books on the table in front of me as well as a stack of papers. I was about to reach for it when he started speaking again. "You know, I don't think our GPA's can survive a zero in a class. So maybe we should take Frau Ash's advice, and try working together outside of school."

"We tried that, remember? It didn't go well." I pointed out.

"Well maybe we should hang out just you and me. No upper or lowerclassmen but us."

I bit my lip at his use of the word "us". Those feelings I felt the other day were slowly starting to come back. Slowly.

"Well what are your suggestions this time?" I asked.

"Well, we both like soccer."


"We maybe we could have one on one practices with each other. Or are you not up to the challenge?" he teased.

"Playing you? No where's the challenge in that?" I teased back.

He chuckled. "Do you go running on the weekends at all? Coach Dipple has us run outside of practice but I don't know what you girls do-"

"Of course we run outside of practice! How else are we supposed to keep these awesomely strong legs?" I asked, standing up and flexing my legs slightly. You could see the muscles defined under my skin. But when  I glanced up to see if Bryce was impressed I noticed he wasn't just admiring my muscular legs, but his eyes were raking over my entire body. From my slightly messy hair, to my tank top, to my Victoria secret sweatpants and multicolored socks. I dropped my pants leg and turned away from him awkwardly. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sat down.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Well, umm, where were you going with the running thing?"

He shook his head slightly, a blush painted on his face, "Oh, uhh yeah. Well I wanted to see if you wanted to go running together? And do one on one things like that. No more games or practices with our teams because-"

"Because you turn into a huge dick when your around you friends?" I said sourly.

He glared at me slightly, "We could start running tomorrow?"

"I don't think I'll be able to, tomorrow." I told him.


"Well, I have been sick for the past two days. I don't think my mother would let me."

"What are you sick with?" he asked.

I wasn't going to tell him the truth that he was the cause of my emotional sickness that kept me in bed for the past two days. That would just sound weird, and creepy... "I had a cold."

"Oh. Are you feeling any better?" he asked, a worried look spreading across his face.

Yeah, I feel great now that you're here! I thought to myself.

"Yeah, I'm starting to feel a little better."

"That's, good."


We sat there awkwardly. Our eyes roaming the room to avoid the others. But as our eyes met I felt a pang in my chest and a weird feeling in my stomach.

"Summer?" I heard my mother call from the door.

I realized that we were actually a lot closer than I thought. We were so close that I could easily reach out to touch his face. But... that's weird. Why would I do that? Whatever. We were within a very close distance of each other, and I can only imagine what my mother thought as she walked into the room...

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