She Who Plays

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I walked down the hallway, staring at the floor. Why did I get stuck with a Junior? Let alone a Junior who hates me. And he plays soccer?! Ugg, I bet he’s one of those crappy players who gets benched all the time. I smiled to myself at the thought.

I was just glad that school was over and now I could go let me frustration out at practice. I walked into the locker  room and changed out of my skinny jeans and American eagle t-shirt, into a tank top and a pair of shorts. I pulled up my pads, then put on my cleats. I grabbed my ball and headed out to the field. There was no one there. I knew there wasn’t going to be, after all, practice doesn’t start for another hour.

I jogged in place for a minute, warming up my muscles, before placing my ball in front of me. I stepped back a little bit so I could properly kick it. I stood a couple feet away, I wound up my leg and kicked it. The sweet spot of my foot hit it just right sending it flying into the net. I smiled, yet I wasn’t satisfied. I jogged over to the net, got my ball, before returning to my spot . This time I was going to shoot from the left side, meaning I had to kick with my left foot. I have yet to master and skills, such as shooting, with my left foot. I stepped back, willing the ball to go into the net. I close my eyes trying to concentrated.

‘Aww soph-y can’t do it? Hmf, typical girl soccer player.’ I heard his voice in my head. I grit my teeth, and angrily kicked the ball. The ball flew straight into the goal .I smile smugly to myself. I jog to get my ball and continue shooting goals.


I jiggled my keys around in my hand, whistling slightly to myself. I was so glad that they day was finally be over. This was the worst first day of school I’ve ever experienced. Not only did I get paired up with some stupid sophomore, but I got paired up with a girl sophomore! Now I’m not just cruel to sophomores, but lower classmen in general.

I finally arrive to my truck and unlock the door and throw my stuff on the passenger seat. Before I climb in though, I notice something. There’s movement on the soccer field. I smirk to myself, thinking it’s some freshmen guy trying to practice as much as possible so he can make the varsity team. I guess I could use a good laugh. I walk up to the fence to watch the mysterious player. I’m nearly shocked when I realize it’s a girl. A girl too!

She was wearing a blue tank top that showed all her curves. Her golden blonde hair was tied up in a high pony tail. But that all I could see. She was practicing shooting goals, and she was actually pretty good. I was getting ready to call out to her, or whistle or something when I realized who she was. My flirtatious smile disappeared and a glare replaced it. This beautiful, angelic looking girl, was actually the sophomore I was partnered with in  German…

My Soccer BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora