Chapter 11

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Alexa's PoV

I yawned and stretched my arms in the air as I reached to turn off my annoying alarm. At first I thought the ringing in my ear was back but then I remembered what happened last night. I was sure it wasn't just a dream.

I went into my bathroom and slipped out of my clothes, stepping into the shower. The lukewarm water felt euphoric as it seemed to wash off all my nerves, my body relaxed. I sighed as I turned the shower off, sadly having to get ready for school, if I could I would just hide in here forever. How was I meant to face Max? This whole situation wasn't normal.

I guess I wasn't freaking out about this as much as I could because this answered so many things in my mind. Why I felt attracted to him, why that wolf had been staring and protected me, Max protected me that night. I smiled at the thought, I made a mental note to thank him later.

I grabbed a top and black v neck sweater with a pair of blue jeans. I walked downstairs to grab some cereal.

My mom entered the kitchen and as she noticed me she frowned. "Are you going to be okay?"

Just like my mom to worry thinking it's her fault that I had been out late last night.

"Of course, I'm sorry to have worried you. I'll be back early today."

Then Lily and Matt walked in. He was holding a cup of coffee in his right hand whilst looking at his phone in the other. That can end badly.

Tonight I had decided I would just stay home, in my room catching up on school work and now I was craving hot chocolate so I added it to the list.

I walked back to brush my teeth and ran out the door whilst guickly putting on my favourite vans to make it to the bus stop in time.

Fortunately I was lucky enough so I didn't miss the bus. When I got on my mind wandered back to Max, he wasn't going to skip school again, was he?

Surely enough, at the next stop the trio got on like normal. Max's gaze landed on me and as stupid as it was, since Isaac could have noticed, it lingered there as he walked to the back of the bus to sit down in his usual seat.

'How are you feeling? Not going to run away?'

I jumped at the sudden voice that invaded my mind.

'I'm never going to get use to this.' I thought back.

'It's ok. Slow brain.'


'But you're still that jerk's mate' I could almost hear his grin and with that, we got to school.

As I entered Mr. Clark's classroom, Cathy ran up to me. "Where did you go yesterday?" She exclaimed quite loudly, causing a few heads to turn towards us.

"Shhh, " I motioned for her to sit down. "I nearly fainted so the nurse gave me permission to go home." I hated lying to the one person who had been so nice to me but I couldn't exactly tell her about Max, well... At least not him being a werewolf part.

Speaking of the devil, he walked in, following behind Isaac who sat down in 'his' seat, behind me.

Throughout the whole lesson, he kept childishly kicking my seat as though that would annoy me. I tried to ignore it, but it was seriously distracting.

At one point, I turned back to glare at him.

'Damn that look is hot'  Max mindlinked me, whilst smirking.

Which made me turn back round straight away as a blush creeped on my cheeks. I could feel Isaac wonder what the hell was going on but that didn't bother me. When Ace saw my eyes widen, he chuckled as though he knew what happened last night. Isaac asked what he was laughing about but Ace just put his hands in the air saying 'nothing, nothing.' and shaking his head.

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