Chapter 9: Blake

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The next morning Heather awoke and got dressed before making her way to Brahms' bedroom to get him ready for the day, "Good morning Brahms," she woke him up and began getting him dressed. Once he was ready Heather picked the doll up and walked down into the kitchen, and made then some breakfast, eating hers then wrapping the leftovers up and putting them in the fridge.

As soon as that was done, she took Brahms into the study and they read together until it was nearly time for lunch

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As soon as that was done, she took Brahms into the study and they read together until it was nearly time for lunch. Heather closed the book and turned to face the doll, "Say I've got an interesting idea; what do you say we hold off on our chores till a little bit later, that way after lunch we can spend the rest of the day finishing up our book. Hmm, how does that sound?"

She took his silence as agreement and moved into the kitchen to prepare lunch for the two. Once they were done Heather moved them back into the study and turned on some light music as she continued to read.

She finally finished the book a little bit before dinner time, "Oh that was a good story, wasn't it Brahmsy? How about we start the next one tomorrow?" She stood up and grabbed the doll, "But now it's time we get our work done, let's go check those pesky traps then I'll start making us dinner."

She moved back into the kitchen and slipped on their jackets before exiting through the back door.

Heather went around the house and checked all the rat traps, but once again she didn't find a single rat, "You know Brahms," Heather started as she picked the doll back up from where it was sitting against the house, "I'm starting to think these traps don't really work, I haven't seen a single rat the entire time I've been here."

She turned and started walking back into the house, "Now that that's out of the way, how about some dinner?" I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

She walked back into the house and sat Brahms on the counter while she turned to wash her hands. Heather turned off the water and moved to start making dinner when she heard the sound of pool balls clattering together.

Heather smiled and looked at Brahms, "Who's that?" the she called out, "Malcolm?"

She picked the Brahms doll up and started making her way to the billiard room, "Malcolm I didn't think you were coming back till..." Heather froze in the doorway at the sight that greeted her.

"Blake." She whispered, clutching the doll to her tightly.

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