Chapter 12: Weirdest dream

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Heather woke up the next morning only to find Brahms wrapped tightly around her, as though he were holding her for dear life. Apparently, he liked to cuddle.

She thought about unwrapping herself from him, this was a highly inappropriate position, but she was so comfortable that she decided to just enjoy it. Besides, she wasn't sure how he would react to her unwinding herself.

Despite still feeling some affection for Brahms, she also understood that he was very volatile and she didn't want to set him off.

Heather was just starting to doze back to sleep when she was startled awake by the sound of the front door slamming shut and someone calling out for her, "Heather! Where are you Heather!?"

She shot up out of the bed, throwing the arm that Brahms had wrapped around her off, and rushed to her door to lock it before Malcolm could come barging in.

Heather ran back over to her bed, "Brahms, wake up." She shook him gently trying to rouse him awake.

He sat up and looked at her confused; "Heather?" his childlike voice crackled and his mask was a little askew.

"You need to hide now, Malcolm is here." She whispered urgently.

Brahms gave a quick nod and hopped out of bed, rushing into her closet and shutting the door behind him.

Once Heather was sure he was safely hidden, she unlocked her door and ran out to find Malcolm. They met as he was running up the stairs, "Malcolm, what's wrong?" she asked confused.

"Where is he?" he asked rushed as he began checking her over to makes sure she was alright.

"Where's who? Malcolm what's going on?" Heather asked in worry.

Malcolm frowned at her as though she had lost her mind, "Where's Brahms?"

She pointed up the stairs, "He's in bed asleep. I haven't woken him up yet."

Malcolm moved around her and ran up the stairs to the doll's room, with Heather following closely behind him, "Malcolm will you please tell me what's wrong?"

He opened the door and found the doll in one piece lying in bed under the covers. Malcolm stared at the doll in shock before slowly closing the door and turning to face Heather, his face full of confusion.

He stared at her for a minute before rushing back down the stairs and into the parlor, Heather once again following behind him.

Once he got there and saw nothing out of place he released the breath he was holding and let out a shaky laugh, running his hands through his hair nervously.

Heather looked at him curiously, "Malcolm will you please tell me what's going on?"

He shook his head, "I had the weirdest dream, that's all, and it just felt so real."

Heather sent him and understanding smile, "Alright then, well let me get Brahms up and I'll make us some breakfast while you tell me all about your weird dream."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (LIYE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After Heather had gone back upstairs and gotten herself and the doll dressed, she met Malcolm in the kitchen and the two began making breakfast for them.

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