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Both Henry and Carson turned to where I was standing. But because I was invisible, they couldn't see me. they must've heard my gasp.

Henry's eyes went back to their natural color as he looked around the alley.

"Carson, when you said she disappeared, do you think she-" Carson cut her off.

"She turned invisible." He finished.

They know about my invisibility, they know I'm a shadow. How do they know that?

Henry takes another step into the alley, close to where I am standing, "Alexandra? Are you here?" He calls out to the empty place. I try to force myself to get myself out of here but I seem to be frozen in place.

"I promise, we're not here to hurt you." He called out again, but I said nothing. A smile pops onto Henry's face and he pulls out his phone. I'm confused as to what he's doing until my phone starts ringing from my back pocket.

My heart stops.

The sound echoes through the entire area. Henry smiles for a bit and lifts his ear into he air for a moment. I try my best to turn off the phone but its too late. With inhuman speed Henry stands right in front of me. He reaches out and as soon as his skin touches my own I turn visible again.

A smirk is plastered on his face, "Hey there." He says and before I have time to react he slaps something around my wrist. I look down to see a silver bracelet.

I then try to use my speed to get away from him, but as I try to use my powers a bolt of electricity goes through my entire body. I let out a cry as I fall onto the ground.

"You can't use your powers when that bracelet is on." Henry laughs as he picks me up by my forearm and then throws me over his shoulder and walks out the alleyway. I punch Henry's back but it doesn't seem to do much. We pass Carson and he has a satisfied smile on his face.

Henry walks to a parked car and he shoves me into the passenger seat and then slams the door. He gets into the drivers side and starts the car up. I quickly try to open the door but it stays as if its superglued shut.

I'm being kidnapped. Again.

I turn towards Henry and he gives me a smile while keeping his eyes on the road, "What are you doing?" My voice comes out shaky, like I'm scared. I am scared. But I don't want him to know that.

"My job." He answers easily.

It feels as if my blood is boiling. I am strong without my powers. I reached across my seat ready to hit him in the face when another bolt of electricity shoots through my body. I cry out in pain as Henry lets out a chuckle.

"You can't touch me. I have control over you right now." He laughs as I give him a glare, "Trust me, this isn't even that bad. That bracelet can do a lot of things and I'm going easy on you." I look down at the bracelet on my wrist.

"Trust me, the boss isn't going to go easy on you." He looks over to see my reaction.

"Who's your boss? Did Jacob find me?" It was the first time I had said his name in over a month. I didn't want to go back to someone who could turn their back so easily on me.

Henry laughed obnoxiously loud, "Jacob?" he laughs as he says his name, "No, Blake is my boss." he finishes.


How had I forgotten about Blake? Wasn't he the whole reason this all happened? How had he found me? I had been so careful.

Henry saw my scared face because he gave me a smirk, "And boy is he gonna be happy to see you."

I feel a tear start to fall down my face. I start to yank on the door handle as hard as I can. But of course, it doesn't budge.

"That's getting annoying." Henry mumbled out, I didn't listen to him, I continued to slam my body against the door, praying that it would magically open and I would be able to escape, "Alexandra, stop it." He said with a tone in his voice that almost made me stop. Almost. "Stop it." He said again, but I continued, my shoulder killed but I didn't care.

Suddenly the bracelet sent another bolt of electricity. It hurt like hell, but I continued to slam at the door. Another bolt was sent through, but I kept on trying the open the door.

Then suddenly I felt a pinch on my wrist, right where the bracelet was. my wrist started going numb, then my arm, my shoulder and slowly, all of my body started to go numb. I couldn't move.

"Temporary paralysis." Henry said as I sat in my seat not even able to speak because my mouth suddenly seized to work. "Now this is much better." I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.

He was taking me to Blake.


Fear suddenly took over my body as I remembered him holding a blade to my neck. I was able to use my powers to get out of that situation. And when he took us at the mall Jacob was there to stop him. Now I had this bracelet that stopped me from using my powers and Jacob is hours away probably not even caring where I am.

What was Blake going to do when I got to him? He wanted revenge on Jacob for stealing his mate. He said he was gonna take me. Well, consider me taken.

I tried to move so I could look at Henry, but my body refused to be moved. Everything felt numb. I couldn't sit up in my seat, I couldn't even lift one of my fingers.

If this bracelet caused this much, how much more could it do?

"You tired?" Henry asked from the seat beside me. I tried to speak but all that came out was a few mumbles. It was as if I was gagged even though nothing was in my mouth. "Do you want to sleep?" He asked, I tried to shake my head no. I wanted to try and see where he was taking me.

"You know this bracelet has a natural sleeping agent inside that can be easily injected into your skin. Similar to the temporary paralysis one." He explains and again I try to speak. I don't want to go to sleep. I need to see where he's taking me.

"Alright alright. I get it. You don't want to talk to me, I'll let you sleep." He says and I feel a pinch on my wrist.

It only takes a few seconds. I get engulfed by darkness within a few seconds.

Kidnapped By An Alpha (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now