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This is an unfinished/unedited chapter that has been sitting in my drafts for a very long time now. It will be the very last chapter of this storyline that you guys will see. I am so sorry that this story will never have a complete ending. But I am thankful for those who have stuck around long enough to read this through.


My head hurt like hell. I felt like absolute crap. And I haven't even opened my eyes. 

Slowly I let my eyes open and squint at the harsh light. I take in my surroundings. The room is bright, the walls are white making the room even harder to look around in.

I lift my hands to rub my eyes only to notice that my wrists are locked together with a zip tie in front of me. I look down at my legs sprawled out in front of me. I try to stand up but my legs wobble underneath me and I fall back down onto my butt.

I start to stand up again when the door across from me creaks open. Henry stands in the frame. "Good you're awake." He steps into the room and instantly I'm scrambling backwards to get far from him.

"Get away from me." It comes out as a whisper. I scoot on the floor, backing away until my back hits the wall. The cold of concrete seeping into my skin.

"Hey, calm down." He speaks softly. I clamp my eyes shut. Childish as it may be, if I can't see him, he can't hurt me. This is absolutely incorrect, but if I was going to die I did not want to witness it.

"Alexandra, I have orders to feed you." I heard a clang of what sounded like a dish hit the ground near my feet. I flinched and then pulled my knees into my chest. "I also have to let you know that Blake will be seeing you soon." 

Henry didn't say anything else, I heard his descending footsteps and then the door close. I felt safe enough to open my eyes. Light flooded my vision and surprisingly so did Henry. He was sitting across from me. I screamed, and closed my eyes again.

"Scared?" He whispered, so quiet that I felt goosebumps start to rise on my skin. 

I was scared. I was absolutely frightened to the core. What was going to happen to me? No doubt Blake wanted to hurt me. But how was he going to hurt me?

"Alexandra," This time his voice sounded right in my ear. My eyes flew open, once again I screamed, but then by some miracle, my legs found a tiny bit of strength and I was off the ground and running towards the door.

I did not get far. A shock of electricity forced it's way into my body and I fell onto the ground in writhing pain. This shock felt stronger than the ones from the drive. Amplified. Black spots clouded my vision. My head started aching even more and to make it worse I felt Henry's hands wrap around one of my legs and then he proceeded to drag me back to the original wall.

"Let go of me." My voice was quiet, my sliver of strength was diminished.

"And she speaks." Henry laughs to himself. 

I was back to my original spot, sat upright against a wall. A wall that seemed to be the farthest from the door. 

I assumed Henry was going to go and sit back down across from me, but instead he lifted my arms that were still attatched to one another and connected them to some sort of wall attachment that I hadn't noticed before. 

Now I was stuck in place, with no one except for a scary man who probably had orders to hurt me. I yanked hard with my arms, but nothing budged. Henry saw this and seemed satisfied with himself, then he took his seat across from me.

He didn't say anything for awhile. Just sat there staring at me. My skin crawled as I saw him eyeing me. At one point he licked his lips, which made me extremely uncomfortable and even more frightened.

"You know, I should be thanking you." He scooted closer to me, and when I didn't respond he continued to talk. "Blake assigned someone else to take my job because he didn't think I was capable enough. But then I found you in the alley. I found you. Not Carson. Me. And now Blake trusts me, he rewards me, he even allows me to get close to you." He scooted more. And was also now smiling, and I was able to see his canines poking through his mouth.

"You thirsty?" he picked up a glass of water from the tray that he dropped earlier and then moved so he was right in front of me with the cup lifted towards my lips.

I shook my head and he laughed. "You sure?" I nodded. "Well alright..." He set it down.

My legs were tucked into my chest as he continued to stare at me. The memories of his cheesy pickup lines and stupid comments were slowly being erased from my mind and instead being filled with this single moment of his staring.

If I would just extend my leg I could smack him in the face? Do I have the strength to knock him out? Then I would have the time to get my hands free and get out of this room. If I can angle my right leg to hit him in the side of the head it should knock him unconscious. Right?

Well, what do I have to lose? Alot... He could kill me right here. He could send enough electricity through my body to make my skin burn. If I miss, he could do anything he wants. I'm completely helpless against his wishes.

Suddenly pushing me away form my own thoughts I felt a hand graze my face. Then without thinking of the consequences I extended my leg and went to strike. Unfortunately he caught my leg right as I was about to make contact with his head.

"Big mistake." His eyes met mine and they went dark. He lunged at me and let out a loud growl. His canines bared at me with anger. 

Then with a complete change of emotion he let his teeth softly brush against my collarbone. His breath was heavy against my skin, he was still angry. Why wasn't he hurting me?

I could feel his teeth slowly starting to cut my skin. A quiet whimper poured from my mouth. When he heard this I could feel him smirk against my neck.

How can he be smiling? How sadistic can he be?

"I can do whatever I want to you." He breathed against me. "The only thing I have been forbade to do is touch your mark." Then I felt his hand slowly drag against the skin surrounding the stupid mark on my neck.

The stupid mark given to me by someone who turned his back on me. Who turned his back on our relationship. The stupid boy who gave me the stupid mark. Who is a stupid alpha and has a stupid pack. With stupid enemies that get me dragged out of my new and improved life. 

"Cut it open." I whisper out.

Henry moves away from my neck and shows me his darkened orbs. "What?" 

"I said cut it open," I breathed. "Tear the stupid mark to shreds." 

Henry seemed to be considering the words coming from my mouth when suddenly the door across the room slammed open. 

A silhouette of a man stood in the doorway. "Maybe later Princess." The familiar voice laughed, he came into view and I was able to see the full figure of someone who I feared most. 


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