Chapter 4

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☆Slender's Perspective☆
I watch her in rage and concern as Smiles attacks her. He's eyes were glossed over almost like he was being controlled. (Y/N) screams of pain hits a nerve in me that I only felt with Sally when she got hurt. I wanted to rip that dog apart and devour his insides... Stop that Slender! You're the leader of the Creepypastas you can't be soft. She's MY Mate! Everything stopped after that statement echoed in my head. My mate. I was dragged out of the thoughts at the sound of (Y/N) spiritual force slammed hard against the wall.

"...YOU FREAKY LITTLE SLUT," Jeff screamed in full rage.

I felt my own rage return at full force my tentacles shooting out of my back ready to strike. My mate! No one disrespects my mate. She looks over at me and raises a hand saying she's fine. I calm but only slightly, Smiles was was twitching on the floor, the glossy look in his eyes were replaced with pure darkness.

"Smiles wasn't in control Slender. Smiles like Ghost girl, Smiles think ghost girl is perfect for everyone," I hear Smile's thoughts in my head.
~Do you know what happened?~ I ask telepathically.

"Smiles remembers a voice that said destroy her, then blackness."
Smiles soon bounced up and tucks his tail between his legs as he walks towards me.

"Smiles thinks that someone downstairs wants her."

I turn my attention back to (Y/N) who was lowering her head to me. Seeing her in such a submissive way made me want to care and ravish her.

"Jeff, I would like to have a talk with Smiles for a bit please. You all can be dismissed."

(Y/N) floats out and down the hall, an air of sadness follows after her and part of me wants to kiss and care for her.

"Smiles who's voice was it? What did it sound like," I ask the demonic mutt as he sits before me trembling.

"The voice sounds like... Smiles kind. Evil...cold...possessive...bad."

☆Your Perspective☆
I float down to the dojo to find Toby and Ej with the dual swords and a training outfit for me.

"Sorry if I was late, I was talking with Slenderman," I pick up the outfit and float over to the dark corner and turn everything invisible including myself.

"Not at all, we just got here," Ej said as he stretches out.

"How you're reaction time," I ask as I creep over to the swords still invisible to the boys.
"I still need practice," Toby said with a sigh, his attention focused heavily on controlling his ticks.

"Guess that's where we'll start first!" I grab the swords and turn visible taking the first attack towards Toby, swinging towards his neck. He dodges the fatal blow with his hatchet and tries to deliver a roundhouse kick which hits Ej in the head.

I did a couple of flips back and got into my defensive stance. The boys rushed at me, Ej has his scalpels in both hands fully prepared for damage while Toby has his hatchets in full hacking bits mode. Their movements, although well calculated, were clumsy and lack emotion which made this practice almost too easy. ♡block, slice, defend, attack, dodge, repeat. The training went on like this for about two hours, I still couldn't believe my own skills still hasn't fade away. Ej was laying on the floor covered in sweat and a few small non fatal scratches panting hard like a dehydrated dog. Toby swung down on my head and I block the attack and counter with by tripping and pinning him to the mat. I quickly knock his weapons out of his hands and hold my swords over his throat.

"I'm calling it a day. Good job guys, your reaction time is improving and your calculation are spot on. But your lacking in grace and emotions in each attack. I recommend you guys practice gymnastics and ballet with Sally for graceful movements and emotion." Ej took off his mask to wipe his face before asking, "What's so important about grace and emotion in our attacks?"

I smile and help them up then pass each of us a bottle of water.

"Graceful movements helps when stalking your target. It increases their fear and helps you become less predictable like a horror monster. Plus your target becomes careless and reckless when in pure fear. Emotions behind your attack is important to show you target or enemies that they're not in control of the situation and that their lives are in your hands," I explain as I treat their wounds.

"We should get going, dinner will be ready soon, Offender is cooking," Ej said with a cringe and Toby shudders in repulse.

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