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Without my father by my side I could sworn I would run all the way back from fear, I shall face. I stand now next to Oliver facing the Archbishop whom words linger in the quite room now, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of god, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this women in holy matrimony. Who giveth this women to be married to this man?". My father moved towards me as he took my hand and placed it over Oliver's. The touch of his warm palms made me feel safe, and terrified for a reason I cannot explain. "I, Oliver ..", the archbishop spoke as I hear Oliver repeat after him. "Take thee, Elizabeth Connor". As I hear Oliver starting to repeat I took a glance at him as he continues to repeat the words of false promises back without hesitation.

"I, Elizabeth Connor..". I repeat, "I, Elizabeth Connor". "Take thee, Oliver..". My voice shakes as I repeat, "..take thee,Oliver..". "To my wedded husband". I repeat. "To have and to hold..". I breathe out a bit loudly as I look at Oliver whom is looking down at me. "To have and to hold..", the archbishop whispers again as I gather my courage and repeat after him, "to have and to hold..". "From this day forward..". Breathe Elizabeth, "from this day forward". "For better, for worse". I repeat after him. "For richer, for poorer..". I couldn't help but stop here for a second, the air forgot to do its job, I'm suffocating with the toxic air haunting me. Breathe. "For richer, for poorer..". "In sickness and in health..". "In sickness and in health...". "To love and to cherish". I inhale deeply as I keep the eye contact between Oliver and I still. "Till death us do part..". "Till death us do part..".

Everything went so fast, I couldn't help but get lost in the eyes I've always admired. Oliver had a straight face but deep down I knew there was something wrong. "I announce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride", the archbishop spoke as I was taken aback in sudden shock. Oh god I forgot, I forgot about the kiss. Oliver will never do such thing even if it's for his mother I'm pretty sure of that- "it's a one thing, so enjoy it as you may", Oliver's deep voice whispered as he leaned in to me slowly, sliding his hands to the side of my jaw. It sent shivers down my spine as I see him getting close. He placed his lips on mines slowly, i closed my eyes as I obeyed his words. I'll enjoy it as I can, for its my first kiss. I melted as he grabbed my face closer to him, our lips were in sync, everyone were cheering for us and I- I was just there. Him kissing me passionately, it was a miracle I don't ever want to lose.

I love you Oliver.
I can't help it.


"You look gorgeous princess". I look up from the necklace I was admiring in front of the mirror. "Oh Edward, thank you", I grinned at his cheeky figure. "So, you're finally married!", he said as he sat on my bed facing me. I showed a small smile and nodded, "yeah, I guess that's it but I did take your advice Edward and this is my choice". I saw him nod slowly, "that's right, it's your choice". "Thank you for being there for me though", I slowly say as I sense something is wrong.

"Elizabeth, Darling!", we both turn to face the happy face of princess Caroline. "Princess Caroline, how may I help you?" I asked politely. "Oh our Elizabeth is finally a princess", she spoke as she looked at Edward. "Well you're never wrong princess Caroline", he spoke as he stood up straight and said his goodbyes to leave us alone. "So honey", she said as the sweet voice of hers prolongates. She swung the keys and I question what is this for immediately. "the keys to the room you will be sharing with Oliver". "A- A room I'll be sharing with Oliver? Oh no you don't have to do that, I'm just fine here inside my room", I stutter as if I drank a cup of rocks and now it's stuck in the middle of my throat and I can't speak.

"See, nor does she want that mother.", The voice I always recognize, the voice I'll hear my entire married life, his voice, Oliver's strong deep voice is what we heard standing between the doors of my room. Before I was able to whisper his name, his mother spoke, "Oh Oliver, of course Elizabeth won't deny it, after all she won't want to make me sad right?", she turned to face me and I took a glance at Oliver before replying back, "of course not princess Caroline, I wouldn't dare to make you sad from me".

I saw her face lighten up before she spoke to Oliver, "See Oliver, it's settled then," she turned to look at me before she continued, "Well then Elizabeth, I'll let Adeline help you pack so you could move into your room". She squealed before she left. After she disappeared I had nothing to keep my eyes on. I looked at Oliver in a distance, seeing him giving me a  glare. "I tried-" I start to stutter just to see him roll his eyes and leave me all alone.

I won't stop this time, we are married therefore respect should be shared.

I saw Adeline move slowly towards the door as she knocks. I tilt my head and grin widely at her, "come on in". She chuckled as she made her way near me. "Now, let us move you to the prettiest bedroom of all, where you belong", she spoke as she smiled softly to me. I nod in agreement but as time was passing by , I couldn't help but get a bit excited about living with Oliver, I never thought of that but now I'll be doing it and it's a bit nerve wracking.

What will we do..

Forcibly married to the person whom rejected meWhere stories live. Discover now