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I hesitantly take small steps toward the new room I'll be sharing with my now husband Oliver. I can't seem to get over the fact that i agreed to this marriage, that i agreed to be consistently hurt by him. I mildly open the door after unlocking it, I walk inside the huge bedroom and the first thing that caught my attention was the king sized bed. There were rose petals all over the bed and I took soft steps towards it, as my fingers crossed the silky smooth blanket I'll soon dream under. As I felt a breeze of cold wind blows itself towards my petite body, I look up from the bed to face a huge door opened wide enough to make me take in the beautiful view. It was all like a dream, a dream I never thought would come true. I rush towards the place outside to find two chairs and a small table in between them, placed exactly in the middle. Rose petals were all over the place there and the yellow warm light would hit every angle of the place so perfectly making it seem surreal.

I didn't realize myself chuckling turning around in circles, hands in the air feeling the cold air wrap itself around my arms. Someone suddenly dogged my hands out of the way, catching my whole attention and so my balance. "Cut off the drama, will you" Oliver said, voice colder than the air hitting my back now. I had to do something, for if I kept quiet he will take advantage of that in the future. "Oh well, can't a wife be happy?", I asked, head up high, voice as clear as a bell. "Listen well Elizabeth, I've got no time for you, nor will I ever do, so get out of my way", he spoke back a bit harshly I may say but I didn't mind it, he seemed a bit stressed about something, I couldn't quite figure it out yet.

"Alright..", the inaudible voice of mine speaks for itself as I make my way out leaving him, to arrange some of my stuff I personally wanted to place in. As I finally put the last piece of jewelry, which was my grandmother's before she passed away, I take a look at Oliver. I saw him just sitting there, head tilted back resting at the chair, legs apart and his hands fall weakly in between. I look back down at my legs, wondering if I'll do what I'm thinking. I suddenly stand up to walk towards him quietly and yet so slowly. My heart is racing in wonders, my mind is trying to convince me not to go and my legs spoke another language.

I sit slowly on the chair facing him, he didn't recognize I came. Are you that lost Oliver?. "Want to talk about it?", I softly say as I saw him open his eyes to look at me, simply closing them back and replying back, "there's nothing to be discussed here". I gulp as I gather up my courage to speak, "I know you're stressed and frustrated...", I start off, knowing this is easier since he isn't replying back to me, "I could tell from the moment I saw you at the wedding...before you get mad at me, I'm not here to force you to talk about your problems and issues..alright?". "I'm here to tell you I'm willing to listen, i know you don't like me and you despise me like everyone else and I can't blame anyone for their opinions but at the end everyone has their bad times and they need to let it all out...you see, the heart is like a can, you can't fill it with more than it already has or it will explode and overflow in despair...in regret for hoping someone would have taken some of that pain away...", the voice I thought I would never hear around him had been spoken out if it's cage.

I look at Oliver whom eyes were still closed, head still tilted up, jaw sharp as a sharks teeth. He showed no movement towards my words so I continue, "I—I'm sorry... I'm sorry for all the stress that is suddenly thrown at you because of our marriage. I know how you may feel the weight of the world is on you, but this is why I'm here.. To carry some of the weight off of you....but that can't happen because we aren't willing to face this together. You hate me for reasons I can't find. Why?...actually don't answer that. I just always wanted someone who would care for me, protect me, treasure me...just someone to love me truly...but what do I end up in? In this for the sake that this benefits my family, protects the promise I made Lucas..".

The wind swings itself at us as I get lost in the unspoken words. The wind runs its fingers between Oliver's wavy hair, making it separate from each other and flow when the wind blows. I got no answer or sign of interest from him so I quietly get up and leave towards the bedroom, to grab a small blanket laying on one of the chairs and head back to the statue that didn't move ever since I spoke, towards Oliver. I take small steps closer to him, "it's cold outside, this should keep you warm" I covered him with the blanket I had in my hands just a while ago. I take a glance at him before turning around to leave.

"Stay", Oliver's voice lingered in the space outside. The wind stopped blowing at all, the inaudible ants walking on the ground could finally be heard, and the race my heart was having was clear as a thunder. I turn around immediately after I got out of my shock, I look at him as I could see him staring straight through me, but for once it wasn't a bad thing that would make me fear him, it was rather soft and tender like a feather begging to be held before it falls to the ground. My lips were sealed but my eyes spoke. We held contact for a while before I finally got courage to move towards him. My eyes didn't dare to leave his for a second and so was his eyes daring not to. I grab the chair next to him, before he shares with me some of the blanket, I look up at him who went back to his statue position. I sat there, legs bent, covered in the same blanket he is covered with. His voice kept running in my head not realizing I was placing my head on his shoulder already.

Is there hope for some change Oliver? Is there...

Forcibly married to the person whom rejected meWhere stories live. Discover now