7. Moon Spell

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Cleo and Rikki warned me to steer clear of Emma who was absorbed in planning her dad's party. From knowing Emma, she can be overwhelming when it came to planning stuff. She was the type of person who went by the book. Emma also invited me to the party. I would have to dress up a bit. Thankfully it isn't extremely formal. Emma's grandparents and other relatives would be there as well. The invitation also included Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa since they were familiar with the Gilbert family. It'll be one full house!


I was sanitizing the countertop of the kiosk and getting set to end my shift when the same strange elderly lady approached me.

"I've come to warn you," she explained.

"About what?" I asked feeling confused.

"Don't ever talk to sea perch. You can't trust those fish."

That sounded like a riddle to me. I let her continue.

"Listen carefully. It's very important. You must not look at the moon's eye," she added.

"The moon's eye?" I wondered feeling that it was a conundrum.

"The full moon. It's dangerous. Do not look at it or its reflection. And when it's out, do not touch water, whatever you do."

I was about to ask her some more questions when she left suddenly disappeared.

"Hey, Zo! You about ready to go?" Dad asked as he and Grandpa arrived at the kiosk.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I just gotta grab my bag from the lockers."

"Alright! It's party time!" Grandpa smiled.

My grandpa loved parties, mainly because he was extremely social. It was how he and Grandma met. They were at a friend's party, a wedding reception when they first introduced themselves. Grandma had accidentally spilled her drink on Grandpa's tie. He just laughed it off like it was no big deal. Grandpa always brushed off the smallest of things. He always said the smallest of issues were just like a small itch that can be easily scratched away.

Since Cleo's shift ended at the same as mine, we gave her a lift home. She told me that she also received a visit from the same strange woman who also warned her in riddles about the full moon. I could tell Cleo was nervous that something could happen later on. I didn't blame her. I still had the woman's words in mind, though it sounded like a brainteaser. Cleo added that she tried to inform Emma and Rikki about it, though they didn't take it as seriously as her.


"I can't stop thinking about what that old woman said," Cleo admitted to Rikki sometime after arriving at Emma's place, "Beware the full moon."

We went over to Emma, who was standing at the main entrance greeting the guests. If I remembered my calendar, the moon was going to be full later in the evening. At least it only happens once a month. 

"We're mermaids. Not werewolves," Rikki whispered.

"Or Lycans," I muttered to Cleo still recalling to mind the woman's explanation about not staring at the reflection of the full moon.

"Aunt Thea!" Emma joyfully greeted an older woman who entered inside propelling an elderly woman who sat in a wheelchair, "I'm so glad you could come."

I nodded at them with a polite smile even though the woman sent Emma a sarcastic smile as if she had no desire of being at the party.

"Hi, Grandma. You look gorgeous tonight," Emma bent over at the wheelchair-using lady.

"So do you, sweetheart," she smiled up at her as she gave Emma's hands a tight squeeze.

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