Will I Succeed To Escape Him?

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Will I Succeed To Escape Him?______Cordelia Bane

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Will I Succeed To Escape Him?
Cordelia Bane.

I sat on the crappy bed hugging my knees. I hated sitting in the dark, I felt scared and useless my stomach kept growling waiting for my captor to return and my mind worked in wonders; How am I going to escape? Will help come? Why is he doing this?

He did say I could explore the house if I behave but if I do that it will take forever and I want to escape asap. Hearing the door saddle, I fix my posture as seconds later the door opens including the lights switched on.

Guy enters my prison wearing a fresh shirt and holding a tray of food that contains a bottle of water, sliced apples, a banana yogurt cup, and ham sandwiches.

There was a slot beneath the jail cell door,

Guy squatted down sliding the food under to my side, I didn't waste time rushing towards the tray I grabbed the sandwich taking a huge bite hearing him chuckle as I glared at him continuing to eat.

"Eat up sweetheart the next meal is in five hours" He informed standing back up. I ignored him starting the yogurt, he was nice enough to give me a spoon... A plastic one, of course, I shoved a spoon full inside my mouth one by one until the cup was empty I didn't know I was this hungry soon enough the tray had no food remains on it.

"Good girl I'll be back later so you can eat I hope-"

"What do you want from me?!" I screeched. His blank expression formed into a cold one. Guy crossed his arms looking down upon me

"Isn't it simple sweetheart you're mine and that's that" He answered. Speculating the room, I glanced down at the spoon as I quickly took it tucking it away in my shirt.

Guy returned his gaze to me "As I said I'll be back tomorrow since you pissed me off, sleep tight" He told. Taking the tray and turning off the light, exited the room. I was in dark once again, I scooted backward while I rest against my bed taking out the spoon.

Using both hands, I break the head off in an angle and it snapped as it formed into a sharp point so using the tip of my finger I touched the point and I hissed drawing a pinch of blood,

I smile faintly climbing to my feet, I stick my arms through the bars and started picking the lock with the knife I crafted.

I sighed in frustration having trouble.

I was having doubts but ten more tries later, my heart raced with happiness when the lock clicked, the thick metal fell to the floor leaving a clink.

Creaking the cell door open, I rushed to freedom even remembering Guy didn't lock this door once I opened it, I was greeted with bright sunshine squinting my eyes,

The first action I did was run!

Sprinting down the hallway, I heard a radio execute faint music as I found myself in the foyer, a door down to the left showed the living room that's where I spotted Guy sitting on the couch cleaning an object.

I panicked worrying he will see me but I have gotten scared needing to pass that door in order for me to escape,

Having no other choice, I made a run for the door at top speed.

"HEY!!" He roared.

I shrieked in fear unlocking the bolts, I swiftly opened the front door to freedom...

Taking one step outside, I screamed in dreadful, excruciating pain falling to the ground while I held my leg and saw shards of glass lying in front of the doorway.

I cried as pieces of glass stuck in my foot,

I wept even more spotting Guy looking furious standing before me.

"What did I say, sweetheart? Try to escape me and you will end up getting hurt" He growled.

Yanking my arm upwards, he tossed my body over his shoulder taking me back to my cell, I cried hitting his back knowing I failed miserably.

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