The Captor Has Other Plans.

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The Captor Has Other Plans

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The Captor Has Other Plans.
Cordelia Bane

I was becoming nervous as he continues to carry me to his bedroom, my fingers clench on to his shirt as I look ahead ignoring his cologne that filled my nostrils. I was stunned, he wasn't going to let me stay in that cell because I was scared of the dark!

being knocked out of my thoughts, a door has been kicked opened it revealed his bedroom I thought it was going to be all dark themed but it was the total opposite.

It had a large window that had no opening whatsoever revealing the outside which was the backyard all I saw was trees, the furniture is shiny wood including his bedframe the room hardly had any personal items it mostly looked like a hotel room only thing the bed is messy.

Being placed on the bed careful of my injured foot, I watched my captor stand to remove his leather jacket he was wearing a V-neck shirt showing his muscles, I shifted my gaze elsewhere after he got on one knee grabbing my foot I looked down at him, I watched as he speculated my injured foot.

"It needs new bandages sweetheart, wiggle your toes," He said. I did as told and it was no problem I was happy my foot is healing which means I could and try to escape again he started removing the gauze, I grimaced as he finished my foot.

Its faint purple from the bruising.

He left to get the supplies, I just sat there looking at the door that leads to freedom but I can't walk or run I ashamedly sat on the bed waiting for him to return.

When he did he started treating my wounds again I couldn't help but stare at his face, Why would a man this handsome wanna be a kidnapper? And possibly ruin his life by this, When I saw the pain behind his eyes when he mentioned his dead family members earlier I couldn't help feeling sympathy for this man,

Could this be a reason for kidnapping me? He just wants someone to love? If he did just want to kill me he would have done it by now.

"All done" He announced. I blinked retracted back my foot staring at the new clean gauze I mumbled a 'thank you' my captor walked over to the dresser pulling out a pack of something.

When he returned his handheld out a package when I saw it was a pair of women's underwear

I furrow a brow taking it

"I hope it's your size," He said. I am stunned, they were!

"Thank you"

"Of course, Let's get you to the bathroom" With his help, I stood up placing my right arm around his shoulder limping to the bathroom across the room. We entered as he left me to be so I can freshen up I looked in the mirror as a sigh left my mouth with sadness.

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