Chapter 6: My Turn

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It's been almost two weeks, sorry for such a spaced out update! I was working on my Bakugo and Zoro x Reader Chapter books.

Although Law could barely stand, he pressed up from the crystalized ground of shards and crimson to prop himself up on two wobbly feet. His entire core were off centered, a stomach about to empty and never fill. With a pain forsaken hiss, Law pressed a shaking pale hand to the gaping hole in his shoulder, the crimson just kept flowing out like a river with no end or can to hold it back. The torn remains of a long coat soaked up whatever fluids it could before the raven fabric met it's limits. Yes, This Surgeon knew for a fact he were treading that thin piece of thread that separated life and death, but he wouldn't be called the Surgeon Of Death if he didn't know the limits.

"Room," Law called out upon his powers like a right hand man. The entire facility became encased in this blue orb of static, endless opportunity To exit, to leap, to kill. Where air was thin as if Law were a man standing atop the highest mountain. Despite all this... Law's 'room' couldn't do a thing to help the life endangering injuries he's sustained: burnt chest and impailed shoulder. The powers he possessed were only useful with removing and replacing body parts and teleportation. The Surgeon needed to capture his objective and get out!

The first obstacle, the deathtrap of a window, a wall of blue tinted crystal with the sharpest spiked tips protruded from the window. Like a wall to keep any and all life out. A situation like this was easily thought around, Law swiped his nearly useless hand in many directions, muttering commands left and right. The crystalic hazards you conjured up broke apart clearly without shards and sat them off to the sidelines as he made himself pathes to tread. It were like you made your own little world of crystal-glass. Even Law were crossed as to if this fruit were crystal or glass. Clear like glass, thick like crystal found within the earth. It had to be crystal. Law couldn't even recognize the place as the laboratory it once were. The one thing that didn't phase Law that would've scarred most if not everyone else were the amounts of blood that stained and dribbled from the tips of crystals. The body count rose and rose, you've probably executed one of the largest massacres in history besides the Government called Buster Calls that happen on rare occasions. Law while executing your rescue finally realized just how scared and mentally abused you were to let loose such a high scale attack...

Law were grateful to be the only survivor

"The heart of this mess should be where My Pain in the Ass is..." Law grumbled with precaution, breaking away yet another crystal shard with a flick of his inked finger. His vision grew hazier by the moment, feet stumbling one after the next. Then it hit him, "I don't have the time to search for her..." The next second he felt lighter than air, standing with your shivering body at his feet and a sight of new crystal formations.

Law panted heavily, nearly falling forwards, "(Y/n)-ya... We need to leave," you jolted upright to his call, meanwhile his legs gave out, collapsing upon himself to rest against the crystal floor.

"L-Law!" You cried crawling to his aid. "Y-you survived- But you're so pale," your voice got caught in your underused throat, tears pooling up in your terrified orbs. Law was just drenched in his own blood, his skin were more pale than your own and his skin were normally a perfect tan. Then there's that huge hole in his shoulder! You paused again, sitting high upon your knees just for your stomach to lurch seeing the crystal wall on the other side of his open injury. "L-Law... You're dying! I'm so sorry-"

"I wanted to make sure you got out of here," Law interrupted you, holding out his shaken blood stained hand. "I can teleport us out of here, I still get time. How much time? Probably not much." He wore an amused smirk, why now of all times to take a serious moment and make it all laughs?

"How can you joke at a time like this!?" You squeaked refraining from moving at all in fear that your devil fruit might react to your emotions for a second time... And we don't need that happening after the first.

"Just take my hand," Law asked again ignoring your first comment.

The light in Law's brilliant gold eyes seemed to fade... "No..." You shook your head softly. "Do this move and you'll die."

"How would you know that?" Law gave you that crazed skeptical glare, although it didn't occupy his features for all that long.

"Have you forgotten my previous occupation?" You quickly pointed out. Law's life force was diminishing but as was Law's 'Room' which was sensed to be decreasing in size by the second. Even if he were to teleport you both, you won't make it to his ship, nowhere near it to be more exact. He'd at most teleport you to the outskirts of this room.

"Still doesn't answer me," the man groaned, his time was becoming limited.

"I was an agent in one of the World Government's secret Cipher Pol units. I was required to learn Observation Haki. And I've foreseen your death..." You sighed, staring deeply into Law's ghostly yellow. The use of his devil fruit in this situation will cause his heart to give out. "Let me take care of everything Law. You won't die. It's my turn to take care of you," you thought quickly, pressing your hands gently to Law's gaping shoulder wound.

Law hissed, almost swinging at you. "What are you-" you closed your eyes, crystals of the clearest degree crept from your cold palms to encase his entire shoulder into a crystalized cast.

"That should stop the bleeding for now... I hope," you murmured.

"That's..." Law was nearly speechless. "Smart."

"Thanks but... But I'm not so sure how I can save you at a time like this. I don't think I have the strength to use my six powers let alone walk..." You regretfully admit, thinking out every single possibility of escape. If I can't walk, would making Law risk a heart attack worth it? What about his crew, they could save us. But Would Law even have a transponder snail on hand? Are my new powers useful in a time like this? No matter how I go about the situation, Law meets his demise.

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