Chapter 14: Humid

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The Straw Hats docked on the mysterious island, having they had no choice since Nami bullied Luffy and Zoro into not taking on a horde of Sea Kings that tried to eat the entire Thousand Sunny whole upon entering the Island’s magnetic field. It was like the Island were a beacon for all things bad; stronger magnetic fields usually meant a fair share of trouble to come your way backed up with the presence of Sea Kings, vultures, as well as the overgrown plants that took over the island that had unique colorations. Some were green, those plants were ones you’d easily find on another island. And then from there the plants were quite simply huge, some were yellows and browns, others were reds and blacks and even more. Those even more unique plants were the largest besides the trees, mimicking what Usopp had seen on the Bowin Islands during his two year break except these had an even more dangerous presence, and the botanist never would’ve thought that were possible.

“I’d keep away from everything If I were you,” Usopp’s legs wobbled as Law stroked the leaf to a rather tall plant with fan like leaves, like an elephant ear, that were green and the edges of the leaf were a fuzzy violet. “W-Wait! Don’t pet it!”

“Calm yourself Nose-ya,” Law continued to pet the leaf, the color on the leaf began to stain his tanned fingertips a dusty lavender. He brought his finger to his face, giving them a shallow sniff, just to sneeze. “I assumed this’d be poison… Rather it’s just pollen,” figuring such a fact out got the man thinking.

“Really?” Usopp scampered over with a great interest, taking a whiff of said plant. “Yup, just pollen.”

“I’m sure there’s a reason behind the coloration of the pollen,” Law pointed out. “Collect some.”

“You’re not my boss,” Usopp glared at the Surgeon.

“I know you’re collecting some anyways for personal use,” Law tuts and turns on his heel to return back to the Sunny.

Usopp slumped forwards, “well he isn’t wrong…”

Upon returning back to the Sunny after making a quick scope of the area, Caesar Clown was giving everyone a hard time, saying something about leaving immediately but wouldn’t give the reason. If that man was getting all worked up, nothing good was bound to happen. “What’d ya find?” Nami asked Law.

“Just plants,” Law answered. “Highly doubt there’s any civilization. Nose-ya is collecting samples of the vegetation as we speak.”

“Well that’s something,” Nami felt accomplished, not much, but the feeling lingered.

“I was gone for an hour… Has (Y/n) awakened?” Law looked around seeing you nowhere in sight.

“Sort of,” Nami shrugged. “She woke up but seems dazed, so Chopper is looking her over in his office-”

“Yeah thanks,” Law completely brushed Nami off, heading right for Chopper’s little office filled to the brim with medical supplies equipped for next to any medical emergency to arise. A push on the door flooded the room with blinding sunlight causing you to grown and the little reindeer to puff steam out of his floppy ears and blueberry nose. “What’s wrong with her?” The man asked of the tiny doctor.

“She’s very disoriented and claims to have a migraine so close the damn door!” Chopper cursed like a sailor, but his point easily got across and Law closed up the swing hinge door, bringing darkness to fall upon the room. You were lying upon the patient’s bed, a chilled rag lied upon your forehead and eyes, next to motionless as only your chest raised and fell with each breath.

“Kessho,” Law began, completely ignoring Chopper’s plea to remain silent. “Exactly how much do you know of the New World?”

“Why do you ask?” You sighed.

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