Chapter 2

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Edward Wilding as Joshua Parker

Josh's POV

I was sitting on my tan couch looking at the muted TV in front of me as I waited for Tyler to answer his phone. Luckily, he answered on the third ring.

"Hey man, shouldn't you being doing something baseball related?" He asked.

"Hey," I greeted. "Today is my day off."

"Ah, so why are you calling me at 8 in the morning on your day off? You should be sleeping in."

"I guess I'm just use to waking up early," I lied knowing that I didn't even sleep last night. I mean how could I? This penthouse is quite lonely when you're actually in it. I'm barely ever here due to playing. When I am here I tend to think, and thinking leads to no sleep.

Most of the time, I am out like a light when I hit my bed since training wore me out, but I wasn't necessarily tired.

"We both know that's a lie. You didn't sleep last night did you?"

Damn. He knows me too well.


"Is it about Sabrina?" He asked already knowing the answer to that question. It's always about her. She's in my mind all the time. I like to use playing and partying as a way to forget about her, but it never works. I even try to get with other girls, but back out when it comes to taking them home. They're just not her.

"Can we not talk about it?" I asked ready to change the subject. "What are you doing right now?"

"It's 8 o'clock on a Monday morning. What do you think I'm doing?"

"Sorry. Did I interrupt anything at work?" I cringe knowing I didn't even think about him possibly being busy.

"Nah, I just got here," he said knowing I would feel guilty for interrupting something.

"You're a jerk."

"I know. Now why are you calling me?"

"Can't I just say hi to my friend?"

"Not when we literally talked last night about the wedding," he reminded. Last night, after the meeting with the wedding planner, he gave me the details of the date so I could work it out with my schedule. That also reminds me that I need to talk to Coach.

"Fine," I gave in. "I just want to know how she is."

"Sabrina is fine. Today is actually the first day of school."

"Was she nervous?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" These past few years, I've constantly asked Cory and Tyler how Sab was doing. They would get annoyed every once in a while, and they were pretty mad at me when I first left. I completely understand though. What I did was a bad move, but there's no way to take it back.

"Because if I call her and hear her voice, I know I'm going to automatically get a plane ticket to San Diego."

"You're going to have to see her at the wedding though."

"I know."

"Just making sure," he said followed by a pause. "Well I have to go, boss man needs me."

"Bye." I then hung up the phone and headed to my bedroom to get dressed. My room was painted dark gray while everything else was also a different shade of gray. It was quite boring, but it looked nice.

The sliding door to my closet opened when I pushed the button on the wall. I walked in and picked out a simple white T-shirt. Then I paired that with denim jeans and my famous leather jacket. After throwing on some shoes, I left my fancy penthouse and made my way to the elevator.

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