Chapter 12

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With the bachelorette party all planned out, I could finally get started on some of the papers I need to grade. Walking through my bedroom door with a fresh glass of lemonade, I head over to my desk. The ungraded papers sat on top of my laptop as I grabbed them, along with a red pen, and headed back toward the living room.

Since the girls were off at a play date with Colin and Macy, I have the apartment to myself. It feels kind of weird yet peaceful. I began grading the first stack of papers while the newest episode, that I recorded, of the Bachelor played on the TV.

After finishing two stacks, someone knocked on the door. I picked up the last stack that sat in my lap and placed it to the side. Opening the door, I saw a nervous Josh bouncing on his feet. He looked up at the sound of the door opening, and I tried to slam it shut.

Key word, tried.

He placed his foot between the door and frame before it could close.

"Sabrina, please. I need to talk to you," he pleaded. Instead of responding, I just made my way to the kitchen to get a snack. Unfortunately, he followed behind and stood there as I grabbed a bag of chips.

"If you're not gonna talk then leave," I stated already irritated. I refused to look up at him as I focused on the chips. I'm afraid that I'll break a little more if I look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he blurts after a minute of silence. I place the chips on the counter not feeling hungry anymore as I finally look up at him. "I'm sorry I ever left you. I'm sorry I hurt you."

"Okay," that's all I said.

"That's it?" He asked shocked.

"What do you want me to say, Josh?"

"I want you to forgive me. I want to be us again, Josh and Sabrina," he pleaded.



"I don't think you get it, Josh. You left me. You left your family. There was no warning. All there was, was that shitty note you left for me. You broke me. You took my heart and went to Florida with it. Not once did you call or pick up the phone. I can't accept your apology because a simple sorry won't do it anymore," I breathed heavy try to hold back the tears from falling, but one escaped.

"It hurt me to leave too."

"Then why did you?" I asked "You didn't have to leave. You could've stayed or I could've gone with you, but no. Instead, you turned your back on me, and went off to hoe around with every girl you could get."

"Me hoe around? You were the one who went out and fucked some guy just to end up pregnant," his voice raised with every word.

"You don't know what you're talking about," I whispered.

"You're right I don't know. For all I know, you could've been cheating on me with some asshole guy."

"Get out."

"Tell me Sabrina, who's the father to your little girls?"

"You don't get to ask me that question, now get the fuck out of my apartment!" I shout loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

He opened his mouth ready to protest, but just walked out the door instead. Slamming the door on his way out, he left me again to cry on the kitchen floor.

Josh's POV

I'm an idiot.

I went over to Sabrina's to try and amend things between us. I was hoping to be at least friends when I walked out, but no. I had to open my mouth and say things that I don't even mean. She would never cheat on me.

Now here I am, beating myself up, as I wait for Cory to come unlock this stupid gate. After I left her apartment, I needed some place to think. There is truly no better place to think then the baseball field.

Soon enough, Cory's truck pulled into the parking spot next to mine.

"What's wrong, man? Why did you want to me to unlock the gate?" He asked getting out of his car.

"I need to think," I explained and he nodded, knowing I didn't want to talk about it.

After hitting a few baseballs out into the field, I turned to him. "I went to Sabrina's to apologize."

"What?" He asked taken back. "What happened?"

"I asked her to forgive me, but then we got into a fight ending in me accusing her of cheating on me."

"You're a dumbass." Before he could say anything else, my phone began to ring. I pulled it out to see my manager, Angela's, contact.

"Hello?" I asked answering.

"Josh, I have some news," she begins and I stay silent waiting for her to go on. "As you know, you're contract is almost over. I know you planned to stay with a new contract, but the San Diego Padres want you on their team."

"Are you serious?" I asked completely shocked. This is my dream. I've always wanted to play for the Padres ever since my dad took me to my first MLB game, but I really like Yankees' program.

"Yeah, it's up to you," she says making me pause.

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course, but you need to decide by Saturday night since that's when the signing is. I'll fly over that morning."


I have a lot to think about.


Thank you for reading!! I know this was short, but it had a lot of drama... get ready for more.


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