Chapter 6

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The carriage of the fifth prince, Zhong Zheng Ming, was slowly heading to Fahua temple.

This trip was due to his maternal aunt. He was to hitch his little cousin, Mo Wan Qing, on his way back and send her home. Zhong Zheng Ming's maternal aunt was the sister of deceased consort Dongxian[1]. It happened that his aunt had brought along to the hot spring villa outside of Qingzhou to stay for a while with her younger daughter. Zhong Zheng Ming's mother died early, thus he had shifted his affections to his maternal family.

When consort Xian was still alive, Zhong Zheng Ming's maternal aunt often took along two cousins into the palace, to keep his consort-mother company. Every time they would bring, especially for him, books and picture albums he was fond of. Therefore, Zhong Zheng Ming was quite familiar with his two cousins. The elder cousin had far-married into Huizhou two years ago. Usually, they were only exchanging letters asking about each other's well-being. They haven't seen each other for a long time. The younger cousin, on contrary, wasn't yet betrothed. Since uncle took up the post outside the capital, they rarely met.

As he had arrived in Qingzhou now and had finally met with the maternal aunt and little cousin, it was only natural that he would take a good care of Mo Wan Qing. Today Mo Wan Qing went to Fanhua temple to redeem a vow[2]. Coincidentally, he was nearby so he might as well take her back with him on his way to the city. Hence, he took a carriage and drove there.

He contemplated that it should be the time. Suddenly, the carriage swayed. Zhong Zheng Ming didn't watch out and spilled the tea on his hand. The outside was also in a great mess. A chiding voice could be heard. When the carriage stopped, Zhong Zheng Ming pushed aside the curtain. He saw few feet ahead of him a crafty looking middle-aged man sitting disheveled on the ground. He was clearly the culprit who startled the horses. His arm was currently twisted by an unusually fierce-looking man in coarse woolen clothes.

Although the two knew they had caused trouble, both were unwilling to drop the matter. They were still pulling each other. Zhong Zheng Ming frowned. He ordered the guards to go over and mediate their quarrel. Who would have thought that instead of fixing the matter, the two actually started to fight?

"Today if you don't settle your debts, your lord, me, will break both of your legs!" The big man's expression was menacing. He had an air of bandit enveloping him. The middle-aged man was also nasty, he shouted, "Brat, you dare! Just try to touch me and see how your lord Kun[3] will pluck your head!" After finishing talking, he took the advantage of his sitting position and kicked the big man. While the big man was groaning in pain, he broke free from his hold and climbed up. Without even looking back, he immediately started to run. Unexpectedly, the big man behind him reacted very quickly. He threw himself at him and the two, again, began sparring with each other, exchanging the blows. At this time, more and more people stopped by to watch and gossip.

Zhong Zheng Ming coldly watched. He ordered guards to directly drag those two away. Seeing that the coming people, who were about to raise their hands and use force, wore ordinary clothes, the big man totally ignored them and instead threatened them to not meddle in his business. The middle-aged man was even worse. He wasn't even a tiny bit grateful. As if an enlightenment had struck him, he simply put the blame on others. He then started to yell loudly that he had been knocked down by carriage, his whole body was in pain and that he required to be treated by a physician. He also pointed at guards and told to big man: "If you make them pay for the damage, I will clear my debts with you."

At this time the watching audience roared with laughter as it turned more and more entertaining Even the big man turned his head and looked at the guards beside him. How could Zhong Zheng Ming not understand that he has come upon two scoundrels? He was too lazy to think if that middle-aged man wanted to swindle some money or the two were from the start accomplices.

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