Chapter 11

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Zhong Zheng Lin's inner turmoil grew by each day as the time for selection was approaching. It was as if the urgent need that had to be settled found its solution right under his nose.

He still had no idea how to deal with that woman. He only knew that that woman had the surname of Mu and she was currently residing at her maternal grandparent's house in the capital. The secret agents did not possess her portrait. Moreover, there were two young ladies with Mu surnames living in one courtyard. They were unable to determine which one of them was the one their master was looking for.

Could it be that the sixth prince had to give them, the outsiders, details about that maiden's graceful build in order for them to properly identify her? If not, how were they to find her? Or perhaps his Highness could personally break into the maiden's private quarters, but it would be too disgraceful.

Zhong Zheng Lin's expression was darker by the minute. His cold aura has become more and more obvious these days.

Di Wu Yi Zhao had amused himself at Zhong Zheng Lin's expense for almost a month. Yet, he still remembered to not overdo it. Feigning the nonchalance, he asked him, "Is there any problem that troubles your Highness?"

Zhong Zheng Lin was silent for a moment before speaking, "There's a matter that makes Bendian[1] confused. Can mister clear up this confusion?"

"Please speak, your Highness." The naughty Di Wu Yi Zhao was inwardly laughing his head off.

"If a woman, that Bendian has never met before, keeps on throwing Bendian's thoughts into disarray, yet Bendian could do nothing about it, what could be the reason behind?"

"Does your Highness not like this woman or maybe even detest her?" The certain advisor started to fool around.

Zhong Zheng Lin's brows furrowed: "No."

"Is this woman connected to your Highness's grand scheme and plays there an important figure?" The certain advisor continued with his shamelessness.

Zhong Zheng Lin shook his head: "There's no connection between the two."

You're wrong, your highness. This woman contributes to your grand scheme greatly.

"Then, how does your highness see that woman?" Di Wu Yi Zhao finally began to carry out his responsibility of an advisor.

Zhong Zheng Lin did not immediately respond. Rather, he seemed to be uncomfortable. His voice carried a trace of embarrassment when he replied, "She........often appears in Bendian's mind and even dreams. Bendian cannot suppress the desire that would emerge afterward. Bendian attempted to call for other women, but only toward her......."

Di Wu Yi Zhao did not expect Zhong Zheng Lin falling in love. His expression instantly sobered.

The sixth prince had paid no attention to fair sex. Moreover, he kept a tight leash on his emotions. There was nothing wrong about a prince wanting to be intimate with a woman and dote on her. Every emperor had at least one concubine they doted on more than others after all. But this was clearly........

"Does your Highness feel possessive about that maiden and cannot tolerate others looking at her?" Di Wu Yi Zhao's expression had never been so serious.

Zhong Zheng Lin had his suspicions deep down. It was very inappropriate to have such thoughts, but he could not deny the truth: "Yes!"

"Could your Highness disclose the identity of this maiden?"

"The miss of Mu House from Qingzhou prefect's estate. But which miss it is Bendian did not find out."

Di Wu Yi Zhao was caught by surprise. Qingzhou prefect Mu's estate? It was certainly a fate.

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