Chapter 10

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After Elizabeth shifted back in her human form, we had dinner, but this time Elizabeth decided to eat with us.

I was glad that she joined us, I really wouldn't like her isolating herself, because I'm going to be here for six months. Since she decided to eat dinner, she realized that eating dinner with me is not as bad as she imagined. I noticed that my husbands are happy that Elizabeth's wariness towards me is lessened. They try to hide their happiness since husbands must be composed.

The next day I decided to stay here and work on my resort and start researching how to open a private clinic. I was glad that they have free Wi-Fi here, so I could find the information that I need on my laptop.

Unfortunately, Ravendale has a small list of websites I can visit. They have their news portal, online bank, and other miscellaneous sites. Lucky enough, Ravendale has a site that contains all the laws they released. I checked the section about owning a business.

Fortunately, pharmacies are easy to open, since a pharmacy is considered as a shop that sells medicine, but I need permission from the mayor and opening a private clinic also requires permission from the mayor. There are only two noble families in Mountainville, so it should be easy.

Later that day I ate lunch and decided to rest, while my husband decided to work.

I tried to read a book, but negative thoughts entered my mind.

What if I fail to open a clinic?

What if I make a big mistake that will cost all my fortune?

What if I fail to gain new connections?

Who would help me if I fail?

I'm the last of the Blue Topaz, my parents aren't alive to give me some advice, my friends are in Etria. Ashley, Robin, and James, they are all in Etria. I wish I could come back to Etria, but I can't leave my marriage and my work in Ravendale.

I just started crying, my tears were coming from my eyes and I snuggled closer to my pillow. I barely have friends in Ravendale who can comfort me.

I'm alone here.

I continued quietly sobbing.

After crying, my head started hurting, and decided to try to read a book. Reading a book relaxed me.

Soon it was almost time for dinner. I looked at the mirror and I saw mascara marks on my face, so I washed it.

Then I went to the dining room and servants served our dinner. Even though four people were eating dinner, there was no conversation during the dinner, we ate in silence.

After I finished eating dinner I didn't know what I should do. Should I continue researching or should I continue reading a book? Instead of doing either of those, I decided to explore the manor. I haven't had a chance to explore this place yet, my husbands hasn't offered a tour yet.

On the first floor, there are rooms for servants to live in, a dining room, lobby, ballroom, and different kinds of parlors that offer different kinds of entertainment.

On the second floor, there is also a lobby with a piano in the middle of the room. On the west wing of the house there is Elizabeth's room and on the east wing there is my room. Besides our rooms, the second floor also contains a lot of guestrooms.

On the third and last floor, I see that this floor is more personalized. There are portraits of my husband's ancestors, most of whom are women, and there are also family portraits. There is also a huge library, maybe I should check it out later. Then there is a room with double doors I decided not to enter. It could be a jewelry room or a big wardrobe room and I'm guessing there is also a master room and my husband's study.

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