Chapter 39

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I woke up and tried to lift my head up, but my headache and migraines forced me to place my head back on my pillow.

I rested my head on my pillow for a few minutes and then I opened my eyes. I was greeted by the view of Alexander's sleeping face. Right next to me was Nathaniel. I was in an unfamiliar room.

It was definitely bigger than my room, more fancier furniture, and a bigger bed.

I was confused.

Then I found I didn't wear any clothes and neither did my husbands.

I started to remember flashbacks of yesterday's ball.

Someone had spiked a bottle of champagne that we were drinking from after I received an award. Soon I started feeling the effects of the drug.

Then I told my husbands that I didn't feel very well and I wanted to leave. They agreed without questions and we left the ball.

In the carriage, my symptoms had worsened. I felt the heat, my head was dizzy, I started to breathe faster. I removed my gloves, but it wasn't enough.

This is when my husband understood what had exactly happened to me and asked the coachman to drive faster. My husbands drank the same champagne, but in lesser quantities than me.

My mind felt blurry and this was where most embarrassing moments happened.

I tried to remove my dress, but my husbands stopped me.

Then I tried to remove my husband's clothes and teased them.

Soon they started experiencing the symptoms. I started making with Alexander soon I switched to Nathaniel.

The drug was so strong it didn't stop the symptoms, I only wanted more of them.

We arrived at our manor. With my state I couldn't walk in high heels, so Nathaniel just carried me over his shoulder.

When we reached the master bedroom, my mind snapped out from the flashback, because I knew we definitely had sex.

I can't believe I've had sex with my husbands.

I understand that is normal to have sex with your spouse, but not when your drink got spiked and not in an arranged marriage.

This is a very awkward situation.

I tried to move my legs, I was greeted by numbness and pain. It proves that we indeed had intercourse.

I need to get up and at least take a shower. I tried to move, but I accidentally woke Alexander up.

"Sleep more." he sleepily and went back to sleep.

I wish this reality was a nightmare, so I could go back to sleep, but I can't.

"I need to take a shower." I weakly said.

Alexander opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Wait here." He told me. He then got out of the bed. On his back, there were visible scratch marks. The marks took only a quarter of his back.

I can't believe I did this.

Alexander put on his pants and gave me a clean black robe that was made out of cotton.

"You can shower in our bathroom, while I will find you clothes to wear." Alexander told me and he gave me an awkward smile.

I put on the black robe and went to the bathroom despite the pain I feel while walking.

In the bathroom, I removed the robe in front of the mirror.

My husbands were generous with their bite marks, I sighed.

Lady of the Ravendale (Book 1, Ravendale series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now