Chapter 8

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It was a pleasant afternoon, Fiona thought to herself with a soft smile as she made her way into the maze.

The duchess had shooed her away from the gardens saying she intended to nap outdoors.

The woman could sleep anywhere. Much like her nana.

Anyhow, Fiona wasn't pleased about the reprieve today. She didn't need more time on her hands—that would only lead to her traitorous thoughts about the Duke return to her head. She'd banished them with great difficulty by keeping herself occupied at all times. And keeping her distance from him the way she would from the plague.

"Oh wonderful," she muttered to herself. She was lost now. Lost, distracted and infatuated with the wrong man.

She stopped short.

She was being ridiculous was what it was. And she was obviously overreacting. Tons of people got infatuated all the time, it was perfectly normal. Even Jimmy the stable boy was infatuated with Lily the downstairs maid, wasn't he?

Except, he could do something about his feelings, unlike you, her subconscious chided her.

This was too much negativity for her.

Fiona cleared her throat, she'd sing. Singing always made her feel better. She knew it was probably silly for her to break into a song at the drop of a hat at every inconvenience—much like the troubled heroine of the novel she'd been reading to the duchess. But there was no one here to see or hear...

Nate was going in search of his mother when a familiar sound reached his ears. He stopped walking.

Was it a figment of his imagination?

It had to be. Because it sounded exactly like the song he'd heard in the woods the other day. That voice...that terrible voice—surely it couldn't be.

He moved closer to the maze, where the sounds seemed to be emerging from.

He followed the sound this time, loathe to ignore it again. He smoothly made his way towards the centre, where the sounds became louder, the words clearer.

By now he was certainly was the same woman he'd heard in the woods. There was no mistaking that voice...

And then he saw her or her back as she sat on a bench at the centre facing away from him.

But there was no mistaking whose back that was or whose voice now.

"It was you, all this time."

She stood up in a flash and turned around, her song coming to an abrupt halt.

"I beg your pardon?" she asked breathlessly, her eyes wide and her cheeks beginning to colour. He moved towards her and then sat down on the bench.

"I heard you sing in the woods that was you, wasn't it? Singing this very song?" he laughed, he couldn't help it.

She looked at him as if he'd sprouted horns but then nodded slowly. When he didn't stop laughing, her lips pursed in disapproval.

"I fail to see what is so amusing."

"You're voice," he whooped. "No offence," he added, still laughing.

Hell, he couldn't stop his laughter. He should've known that it would be her. No other woman could sing so terribly and confidently at the same time.

Soon the pinched expression left her face and she joined his laughter sheepishly.

"Come now, your grace, surely I don't sound that bad," she laughed.

"Oh you have no idea, sweetheart," he grinned. Nate didn't remember the last time he'd laughed so much or so freely. He had Miss Butterworth to thank just now.

Too late he realised that he'd called her sweetheart and that Miss Butterworth had ceased laughing. He stopped laughing too. The sight of her arresting him.

This close, he could see her chocolatey eyes shine with something he didn't wish to dwell on. Freckles dusted her nose. And her mouth, a healthy pink, reminded him of strawberries.

A longing so strong assailed him that he was momentarily paralysed.

It was just that she was so real, her innate beauty shining from within. He'd been an idiot to think she was plain.

Just one taste. One taste and he'd leave her be.

He bent closer to her slowly, giving her time to draw back and slap him for his impudence, half hoping she would do it and put an end to this madness.

But of course Miss Butterworth didn't do what he expected her to. Instead, she inched closer too, her face merely an inch away from his, her breathing shallow. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up.

The invitation was too hard to resist and Nate was no saint. So he bent down and took her lips in a searing kiss before she could change her mind.

And what a kiss.

Miss Butterworth had no idea of what to do and so she was still. But not stiff, oh no. Nate didn't remove his mouth from hers even to breathe. He fed on the softness of her, holding her face between his palms even as her hands came around his neck.

Nate groaned.

Heavens above, but she was sweet. So very sweet and Nate burned for her.

It occurred to him that when she wasn't arguing with him or challenging his servants or breaking his vases, Fiona Butterworth was a bloody fine woman.

He released her mouth so they could breathe and made to resume their kiss but just as he leaned into her, she stiffened, as if realising only now what they'd done.

She pushed him and stood up, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

Here we go.

"Miss Butterworth—"

But she held up her hand. "I'm so sorry, your grace. I shouldn't have done that."

Nate's mouth dropped open. What the hell was she talking about. He'd kissed her like a rouge and she was taking responsibility for what happened?


"And I don't want you to think that I behave this way with all of my employers—I've never before done such a thing. Please don't dismiss me," she pleaded, sounding panicky.

Good God, he was an ass.

"Miss Butterworth, I initiated that kiss and you have nothing to apologise for. If anyone should, it is I. I don't know what came over me..." he sighed.

"So you won't dismiss me?"


She smiled then. Albeit hesitantly.

"You shouldn't apologise, your grace. I enjoyed it."

Why did she have to be so honest?! Nate closed his eyes. He was still hard from their kissing and she had to entice him this way?

"I shall not repeat this."

"Of course I understand that, your grace," she replied wide eyed.

Nate stood up, hoping the evidence of his desire wasn't very prominent.

"Will you make your way out on your own?"

"I did come inside on my own, didn't I?" she smirked, back to being her annoying self.

Nate muttered a few curses under his breath and left without a backward glance.

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