Chapter 14

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"You're not considering accepting Lord Winston's proposal, are you?" the dowager Duchess asked Fiona as she flitted about the chamber, arranging everything the duchess would need by her bedside.

"Well, considering how he hasn't issued any proposal as yet, the point is moot, don't you think?" Fiona shot back.

"Yes, but what if he does? Will you accept?" the Duchess insisted, a frown creasing her brow.

Fiona sighed and sat on the foot of the bed.

"The truth is, I do not know."

"Does that mean you have feelings for him?"

"Not that I know of," Fiona chuckled.

"Then you have no reason to accept his proposal."

"But there is. I can't remain her me forever. I need to marry."

I need to get away from this house, from the Duke who holds my heart in his fist.

"You've never mentioned your desire to marry before. And I thought you didn't want to leave me or your Nana," the Duchess retorted, her voice taking on an edge.

"I don't. I'll take Nana with me wherever I go and you'll have Lady Sophia to keep you company."

The Duchess huffed.

"I heard something about a wager. If that pup is wagering on you, then he can't be very serious about you, can he?"

Like mother, like son, Fiona thought.

"I asked the Earl about that," Fiona nodded. "He said that his friends came up with that and he agreed to it just to annoy the Duke."

"Nathaniel was annoyed, was he?" she asked, her eyes lighting up.

Fiona shrugged noncommittally.

"I still think this discussion unwarranted. After all, I doubt the Earl is going to propose to a lowly companion like me. We have a healthy friendship and I dearly hope that it remains that way."

"There's nothing lowly about you," the Duchess admonished.

"Be that as it may, he isn't going to fall for me overnight," Fiona chuckled.

The Duchess huffed again.

"Take yourself to bed. Tomorrow is going to be busy. A few more guests are arriving on the morrow."

Fiona nodded and bid her a good night.

When she entered the chamber assigned to her, her knees gave way and she landed on her bottom on the floor.

She buried her face against her knees and let lose all the tears that she'd been holding the entire day.

Oh but it hurt.

It hurt to see the Duke dancing attendance on his fiancé. It hurt even more when she thought of his kiss and how he'd tried to talk to her after that.

This was another reason she wanted to be gone from here.

She strongly doubted the Earl would propose—his behaviour had given no such indication. And she'd surely not encourage him to issue one. But still, if he did offer for her despite all the odds, Fiona wouldn't dismiss it immediately. There was much to think about.

Marrying him would be the perfect escape. She did enjoy his company and maybe she'd even come to love him as much as she loved the Duke. Then again, in her heart, she knew she'd never be able to live with another man.

That brought on a fresh batch of tears.

It was funny how much she'd begun to cry ever since she'd fallen for the Duke. She hadn't even broken down as she did now when Nana and her didn't even have enough food to sate their hunger.

She huffed and pushed herself off the floor. After putting on her night gown she dragged herself to the bed. She was extremely tired and was hoping that she'd fall asleep immediately but no such thing happened.

She lay awake while her brain tortured her with images of the Duke and Lady Sophia together.

At one point, she imagined the Duke kissing his fiancé the way he'd kissed her and that was more than she could endure.

She squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her hands against them as if to erase the disturbing image.

By the time she fell asleep, it was nearly dawn.

Fiona woke up, bleary eyed and morose.

When she got down, she spotted a number of people who weren't present yesterday.

She smiled at some of them as she made her way toward the breakfast parlour.

Much to her annoyance, Lady Sophia and the Duke were present as well. Just what she needed.

"Good morning, my lady," Fiona said when Lady Sophia noticed her presence.

"Good morning," she returned, her gaze travelling down Fiona's simple yellow muslin gown. "Are you always up this late in the morning?" she murmured and looked at the Duke as if wanting him to say something. But the Duke said nothing and only looked at her through hooded eyes.

"No, today's an exception," Fiona smiled lightly and piled her plate with some eggs. After last night's weeping episode, she was ravenous this morning and the last thing she wanted was to have a discussion on all of her flaws with Lady Sophia.

"Then I assume Lord Winston's thoughts kept you awake most of the night," she tittered. Fiona was beginning to hate that sound.

"Sophia—" the Duke began to reprimand her but the Lady was having none of it.

"I only jest, Nathaniel. And Miss Butterworth is aware of that, aren't you?" she looked to Fiona, her eyes wide.

Fiona nodded jerkily.

"And I must ask you, Miss Butterworth, where have you purchased this gown from?"

Before Fiona could open her mouth, she continued. "I don't ask for myself, of course. I can never be seen wearing something as plain as this. I ask for my lady's maid—she is of your ilk, you see."

That was definitely meant to be an insult if Fiona had ever heard one.

A hushed silence descended over the parlour, everyone surprised by Lady Sophia's behaviour.

Again the Duke opened his mouth to reprimand her but Fiona beat him to it. It wouldn't do if he scolded his fiancé on her behalf.

"What is your lady's maid's name, my lady? If you could be so good as to tell me, I'll find her myself and tell her," Fiona smiled politely.

Lady Sophia opened and closed her mouth like a fish.

"Please excuse me," Fiona said and got up from the table. Honestly, she'd lost her appetite. "The Duchess must be looking for me."

And then she did something she'd never done.

She fled.

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