Chapter 10 - Captured

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Jacky whispered something to King Alore but I couldn't hear it. Then, King Alore spoke, "The angel identity was chosen by the royal. It must've happened for a reason, and our angels obey it. You'll soon be the Queen of Angel with Jacky as he's your mate."

"King Alore? What about you?" I asked. King Alore replied "I'm an old King, it's time for a new arisen of Angel Land. Jacky will be helping you in leading the angels." 'How could he sign up for that?' I wondered. Something didn't feel right but I couldn't figure it out, yet.

They showed me around the castle, their kindness and gentleness scared me as if they were putting on a show. At the end of the day, they brought me to the castle once again. As I walked in without awareness, Jacky knocked me off and I fell unconscious.

I woke up in an icy cold cave where there were ice packs everywhere. All I could see was ice and the temperature was very low which weaken me as the one holding demon power. It gave me a chill. It was an ice cave, with only one path. I followed it to find an exit. Luck was not on my side, I found the exit, however, it was jailed by a few metal bars.

I used my witch magic to teleport to another side but failed, the metal bars were made of metal gallium which blocked witches' magic. Furthermore, gallium will only be melted at a very high temperature. I tried to use my demon power to melt it but to no avail. The ice cave had a very low temperature. 'Think, Carly, think!' I thought to myself.

"Where's Flare?" I asked, of course, to no one, yet again.

A few hours later...

Just as my energy was drained by the icy cold cave, the gallium bar opened. I wasn't powerful enough to escape. 'Was this their plan all along? I guess it worked... Am I being captured? Was my mum here? Where would she be? What did they do to her?' those were all I've ever thought of.

It was Jacky who came in, I knew it. "Didn't know you're this weak. How come a trained princess turned into this weak?" asked Jacky with a hint of sarcasm. I didn't have the energy to fight back. "Bring her to the room," commanded Jacky. They chained my hands and legs, taking me to another normal jail, which seemed like a room... I saw something scary. There was blood spilling all over the floor.

I struggled to fight against the guards but they were too strong and I was too weak. Their plan succeeded, or would I say his plan. Jacky had left. I was chained up to the bar. I felt weak, I had no energy to escape. My power was drained. 'What am I going to do?'

The next moment, I watched Kaitlin walk in. "Oh, hey there, Carly," with an angelic smile. " want...?" I asked with all the effort I could. I hate to see her fake angelic smile. "Well, I'll leave you to... the 'Killer Angel', good luck," said Kaitlin with sinister laughter before leaving.

The Killer Angel introduced himself to me, "I'm Kelvin, I've seen your mother. You're going to be just like her." "What do you want?" I asked with a pissed voice. "Oh, it's simple. Give me your crystal, and I'll let you go," Kelvin said. "I'm afraid I couldn't do that," I said. "Why?" he asked.

"It wasn't with me," I said.

"It was with you," Kelvin.

"I don't know where is it!" I shouted.

"You sure do," he said.

"I'll let you know the pain your Demon mother had given to me in my life," said Kelvin as he took out a gallium knife. "What Are You Doing?" I shouted. I pulled against the chains and attempted to break the handcuff but it was made out of gallium, I couldn't help but scream in pain. "Don't waste your efforts in trying. You can't escape, this is your destiny for taking away my parents," he said.

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