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You had already met your big brother Gabriel, but you haven't met your other big brother, Lucifer. Well, you weren't even suppose to meet him, due to him, you know, being a total asshat. But, family is family. Even if they kill each other. Which happens a lot in your family. Castiel and Gabriel both agreed to not introduce you to the infamous, Lucifer, but the little devil (literally) had other plans. And was generally curious about the newest little angel.

You were just playing outside in a small park, with Castiel and Dean, when a strange man appeared. You happened to sense it, and notice the strange fallen angel, tilting your little head to the side with wonder.
"Uh, Cas?" Dean asked, quickly scooping you up into his arms.
"What is it-" Castiel instantly tensed once he saw Lucifer, walking towards you guys.

"Well if it isn't Cassie, and that annoying Winchester?" Lucifer smirked and glanced over at you. "Ah, I see you finally had your love child."
"Lucifer, What the hell are you doing here?!" Dean spat, not really in the mood to deal with the fallen angel.
"I just wanted to see my baby brother. It's been a while." Lucifer shrugged. Castiel sighed and took you from Dean.
"Lucifer, this is our baby sister, (Name). She's just a fledgling..." Castiel started to explain, earning a surprise look on Lucifer's face.

"Ah, so dad decided to make another one of us, after all?" Lucifer turned to face you. You gurgled, then smiled a gummy, toothless smile at your older brother. "Well (Name), I am your older brother, Lucifer." You giggled again, and fluttered your tiny little wings, not afraid of your big brother at all. He offered a small smile and reached to pat your head, before Castiel pulled you away from him.
"Don't touch her." Castiel hissed. "She doesn't need to be contaminated by you." Lucifer shrugged and crossed his arms. "I'm just trying to show affection. A growing fledging needs plenty affection. Or else then end up like me." Lucifer narrowed his eyes, and growled the last part, disappearing with those words.

Dean sighed. "He's so over dramatic. Come on, let's just go back to the bunker." He ruffled your hair before getting his keys out for Baby. Castiel sighed and held you a bit tighter then before, as he walked to the waiting Impala, thinking about those last few words Lucifer has said.

Lil' Angel (Supernatural x Baby!Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu