•Big Brother Michael•

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Sorry for my small break! I'm currently in nursing school and it's a lot of work ;-; you guys are so great! Thank you for all the love and reads!!! <3

Naturally, Michael was curious about his youngest sibling. Being the amazing role model he praised himself on being, he just had to come see you. With or without the consent of Castile or the  Winchester's. He simply just wanted to see his fledgling sister, and hoped you would be happy to see him.

You were sitting on the couch with Castiel and Dean as they watched some random movie.
"Dean... I don't understand... why are the fish talking?"
"It's a kid movie Cas. I figured (Name) would like it." Dean surged and patted your little head. You gave him a gummy smile and fluttered your tiny wings, turning your head back to the colorful television screen.
"...it's still weird to me, Dean." He grumbled and folded his arms a bit.

Suddenly, a flash of light blinded the three, reveling Michael, standing right in front of the tv. You whined as you tried to look around Micheal's body, still very much invested in the movie you were watching. Dean simply groaned and rubbed his temples.
"Cas if I knew this baby sister of yours would keep attracting archangels then I would have said no." He grumbled. Castiel chose to ignore Dean, simply standing up and scooped you into his arms protectively.
"Michael? What are you doing here?"
"I can't come see my baby sister?" He tilted his head and looked down at you. "I've rarely seen her since you brought her down to Earth." He explained, almost in a pouty-like nature. As if he was complaining.
"Well, I am her guardian, so why wouldn't I take her to all the places I am?" Castiel asked, tilting his head as well.

You started to whine, wanting to continue watching the movie. You were a simple angle, with simple wants. And right now, that want is to finish that movie!
"Can you just leave? The kid is already upset." Dean pointed out, but was ignored by Michael.
"I have a right to see her when I want to. I am the eldest, and I set the example. And I want her to have a good example to follow. I'm not staying you're a bad example... but the Winchester's..."
"Hey!!" Dean yelled and crossed his arms.
"Settle down Dean." Castiel pushed the older Winchester back into the couch, where you were, pouting like crazy.
"Anyway, I just want to see (Name), that's it." Michael said, folding his arms.
"What is (Name) doesn't want to see you?" Dean asked from his grumpy little spot on the couch. "Besides, you two are blocking the movie! And I think (Name) wants to watch it."

Michael looked behind him to see a kid's movie playing on the screen, before looking back at (Name). "I didn't think she would be entertained by such a childish film..."
"She is a child." Castiel argued, plopping down on the couch, and holding you in his lap. "Now if you want to spend quality time with (Name), I suggest you sit down and watch the rest of the children's film with us." Castiel hummed as he patted your head. You grinned, happy to be able to finish the movie you were so engrossed in. Michael sighed, before sitting down next to Castiel.
"Fine... one movie couldn't hurt..." the angel said softly and patted your head as well, earning a hum of approval from you.

Lil' Angel (Supernatural x Baby!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now