Chapter 1 - The New World

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In many cultures, the birth of a child who would cause the heavens and earth to tremble would often be accompanied by several unexplainable phenomena.

For example, in the bible, it is written that when Jesus was born, an Angel visited David in his dream and a group of Magi travelled around half the world bearing gifts for the unborn child. In many eastern legends for example, when a great emperor is born, the emperor's star would be bright enough to overwhelm all other stars. Another common example we often read about in the stories of old is when a child who is destined to cause the downfall of an empire, or become someone of great importance, he would cause the emperor's star to dim or fall out of the sky.

However, when I was born, there was nothing but heavy rain and a huge thunderstorm...

Why am I bringing this up? It's because my birth should have been accompanied by tons of mysterious phenomenon and the sky should have fallen or something like that! I was blessed by God himself with a cheat system for crying out loud!


My story starts during my past life. I started cursing at God the morning of each day after the age of 11, and I eventually met with God when I died.

God said that usually when people passed on, there is no need to meet with God but he wanted to meet me so that he could give me a scolding.

it was not difficult to guess why he was angry at me. While God was not actively granting the wishes of his people or becoming the saviour of his people like the stories in the Bible, he could listen to each and every prayer, wish and whisper of his people!

God told me that the only reason why I didn't go to hell was that hell didn't exist. People who are deemed unfit to enter heaven or are unable become gods in their lifetime would just keep on reincarnating. He also mentioned that he almost made hell just for me...I got really scared at that moment and couldn't say anything the entire time I met God. I just stood there while he was scolding me.

I spent my last life on a planet called Earth, in the Solar system. I'm not sure if anyone would be reading, but if anyone is familiar with Earth, they would know that it wasn't really as comfortable as it sounds. While Earth was peaceful and rarely had wars, we have a saying there. "First world problems", It basically means that everyone has their own problems and difficulties, regardless of how rich or superior a person is when compared to their less fortunate peers.

In my last life, I was born into an upper middle class family. My grandfather was super, crazy rich but he left everything to his first wife. Not sure if they took everything illegally like the soap operas that aired on the TV but we got nothing from them. My dad claims that he was supposed to get 15% shares of his company but we never got anything when the old man died.

I lived life comfortably until my 12th birthday, when the time came for the first big exam. As this isn't a story about a person who sailed through his life, I naturally failed by one mark. I think it was because I was drinking water from my water bottle during the exam and the examiner smacked the bottle out of my hands for no reason, causing the water to splash on my paper, smudging the ink. From there, bad luck seemed to follow me.

Everything I pursued would be followed by events out of my control, that would result in me being unable to secure a job, so I just kept on studying and draining my parent's money until I died. In hindsight, I had secured a vast amount of knowledge that I could never put into application.

God berated me for what seemed like an eternity.I'm not sure if the afterlife has a concept of time, but it was a really long time. God said that each and every person has their own will and their own destiny, and talked about the various paths my life could have taken if I did not move into another field of study. God eventually finished and said that my penance would be experiencing life in a completely different world, a world where laws do not mean anything and people die for the slightest offence, so that I would be thankful of all I had in this life.

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