Chapter 45 - Departure

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Yao Feng town is not very far away from Zi Di Mountain, however, we made many turns to cover our tracks and confuse any potential pursuers. We have not talked much since the events at Zi Di Mountains since we have been busy covering our tracks and deciding where we should turn to confuse and cover our tracks. Sometimes we made a turn just for laughs as well since we had ample provisions.

We all knew, however, that we would eventually have to talk about what happened. Two months quickly passed and soon we reached the walls of Yao Feng town. We saw many of the villagers we rescued living in tents outside of the city. There was no room for penniless villagers in an established town and there was no way the magistrate would let the villagers pitch up a tent inside of the town.

Riding past the tents, I can see that the guards are giving the rescued villagers food and the basic necessities needed to stay alive. The tents are also provided by the magistrate. The Empire is weak and poor but it treats its citizens well. It will give you enough food so that you do not starve to death or die from dehydration, and a crappy tent to live in until you are able to fend yourself. You will be hungry every second you are awake until you find a job and manage to feed yourself but the majority of these people will join the army and live a life working for the government. This is afar sighted plan that was implemented by the first emperor of the Empire.

As we near the gates of Yao Feng town, we skip the queue that ordinary people and merchants use and directly head up to the gate.

"Halt!" one of the guards shout with their spear raised.

"State your purpose and identity!" he continues yelling, obviously used to the fact that nobles and officials do not need to join the queue to enter the city.

"We are the judges from the governor's office, here on official business." I reply to him in a nonchalant tone, like how a superior would talk to his subordinate and throw my official badge at his chest since Judge Cui and Judge Tang are resting inside the carriage.

The guard catches the badge and takes a look, and then signs of shock appear on his face. "Jud...Jud...Judge Shang, please forgive me for not recognising you!" he stutters as he returns the badge to me with both hands and bows.

"Just let us in, we are tired from the long journey." I say as I wave him away.

"Clear the path! Clear the path now!" the guard starts shouting at his colleagues in a panicked tone. I guess my identity as a young master of the Shang family scares him. Besides the fact that the governor is from the Shang family, many other members of the Shang family are in high and powerful positions and are usually arrogant and uncaring of everyone else.

"Lords, if you wish to wait, I will run to the magistrate office immediately and inform him of your arrival! While we are expecting your arrival, we did not know when you would arrive and the magistrate informed us that we should inform him when you arrive!" the guard shouts nervously as he bows down in front of me.

Unlike Pu Zhang village which is near the capital, Yao Feng town is quite far away from the capital so the magistrate would not be able to estimate our date of arrival, especially since he does not know if we will be busy with work in the other villages we visit on the way here.

"No need, we will look around the town and then head to the magistrate's office later. You may go ahead and inform him that we have already arrived and will be going there later. Tell him to prepare our lodging as well." I calmly tell him and wave him away.


Soon we reach the market where peddlers are selling their wares and the road is busy. Ding Sha and Zhao Keng who are driving the carriage right now slow down the carriage and makes the horses stroll slowly around as we look at the things that are being sold.

The majority of people has already gotten off the carriage and is walking around the market, doing their own shopping and using this opportunity to do some trades. Judge Tang and Judge Cui are already moving to their respective business partners so that they can help send goods to the next location for a good amount of money.

Zhuge Pang dragged Sima Di with him and has already left to get lunch for himself and is probably gorging himself on what he claims is the "best roasted duck in Yao Feng Town", he says he will meet us at the magistrate office and bring some back for us later.

Liu Kang and Mo Di are following the carriage as we traverse through the market, looking at the wares sold. Mo Di occasionally buys some toys and tosses it in the carriage while Liu Kang is buying some female ornaments and souvenirs. Our carriage is quite big and spacious so nobody really cares about what they bring or buys, not to mention that Judge Tang and Judge Cui have their own space ring as well.

I to buy some toys like a wooden sword and a toy hammer for my brother and some dolls for my sister. Once we are done with the market tour, it is almost time for dinner but I ask Ding Sha and Zhao Keng "Can we head to the post office before we go to the magistrate office?"

"Yes, I would also like to post some of the things I bought home" Liu Kang chips in.

"Okay, the post office is near the magistrate office anyway" Ding Sha nods and directs the carriage towards the post office.

The postal service in this world is usually safe but they do not guarantee that it will be sent as bandits might rob them, but many people still use it to send little parcels that are not worth a lot of money. People like us, who are on a trip, will also use the postal services to send items home. The postal service here is part of the government as the army will often send a unit or two to accompany the postman when it travels. That said, bandits robbing the postmen have dropped since the bandits to have realized that they do not get much value out of robbing the postman anymore and the soldiers will often fight them to the death.

When we finally reach the post office, I post the toys I bought home, Liu Kang sends the majority of things he has bought home while a small portion was sent to someone else and Mo Di sent all his toys to an orphanage. We meet Sima Di and Zhuge Pang just as we are about to leave and wait for them to post their gifts back home. Zhuge Pang bought us each a duck drumstick which he claims to be delicious and munches nonstop as we travel to the magistrate's office.

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