CHAPTER NINE: The Four Princesses

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Amara Rodriguez stormed the almost darkened hallway with determined strides. It was still five in the afternoon, and she knew most of the vampires were still sleeping in their coffins—uh confines of their rooms, she amended. She made her way towards the end of the hall where Philip's study was located in this mausoleum of a lair for vampires. For a rich prince, he couldn't even manage to invest in good lighting.

She briskly went inside the office without knocking or announcing herself and made herself comfortable in one of the settees in the room then took a biscuit from the plate on the coffee table. Philip, who was sitting behind his desk, lifted his head and eyed Amara. "Hello, Amara. Do sit down and make yourself comfortable. And do help yourself with the biscuits," Philip said.

"You don't even eat. Why do you even keep food here?"

"I had a premonition you would visit me today."

Amara struggled from rolling her eyes. "What, you're a vampire seer now?"

"I often practice to eat, so it'll be more comfortable for me to do so in front of humans." He leaned back on his chair. "So what brings Miss Amara here in a lair full of young vampires? Are you even sure you should be here?"

This time Amara rolled her eyes. "Oh please. I can handle your kids anytime."

"Because of your renowned slayer blood?"

"Because I'm a teacher; I deal with kids. Slayer blood only comes next."

"So what made you rush here instead of waiting for me at the faculty office?"

"I have received reports from the Division. The vampire rebels are becoming more reckless. They started attacking civilians openly," Amara replied.

"I have been informed by the Council about that. The Enforcers are already working on it. I have also dispatched my own men to secretly investigate on those occurrences."

Amara shook her head. "Not only that. They were able to get hold of a rebel; interrogated it before it burned itself to ashes. The vampire said they were enraged because the Vampire Council refused to give ration of blood supply to some smaller clans."

She observed any reaction from Philip; she noted there was none. "Is it true then? The Council has been greedy and hoarding blood?" she asked.

"I have heard of some illicit activities within the council, but I haven't gathered any evidences yet to produce a name."

"And what do you plan to do, Philip? Aren't you the leader of your clan? Shouldn't the Council be quavering at your feet for making these transgressions?"

"I am merely a proxy, Amara. A temporary leader until Magnus rises or Nicholas is ready. There are people in the council who does not agree with the visions I had for the future of all clans. They might be doing this to place the blame on me, to cause disruption under my leadership and give them reason to oust me out of the position and place Nicholas instead who they can easily manipulate. I know they plan to convince smaller clans to join their cause. Unfortunately for them, I still have powerful allies within the council, not to mention the Imperial blood within me makes me stronger than them."

"So what do you plan to do then?"

"I can't share it with you for now, Amara. Your mind is still an open book; you haven't even managed to learn how to block your mind whenever you're in front of a vampire. As we speak now, your mind is deciding whether to eat another biscuit or pour yourself some tea. That's not tea by the way. And it's not coffee, either."

Amara looked at the teapot disgustingly.

"We don't want the wrong vampire to be aware of our plans by reading your thoughts. I told you, Amara, to learn to block your mind when you started working for me."

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