Adventure 16

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"It's 3 already." Midoriya comes back to her room after the long night with the girls "I need to sleep now." She takes her mobile and checks for any news about the heroes. This has become a habit for her, being the fanbo.....fangirl she is.

"What's this, a message from Kacchan and Todoroki?" Midoriya exclaims in surprise. If it was from anyone else she wouldn't be so shocked. But it came from the most unexpected people.

"Deku, Come behind the dorms."

"Midoriya, I have to talk with you. Can you come behind the dorms?"

"What's this both of them sent the same thing the same time too." Midoriya checks the when they had sent the message.

"Oh no! They sent it an hour ago. They must be waiting." Midoriya immediately gets off her bed and heads to toward them forgetting the fact that she is in a lingerie which the girls told her to wear at night.

An hour ago behind the dorms

In the empty field with grass and dim moonlight brightening up the field, two boys make their way towards each other. Both of them are wearing formal clothes and are carrying a bouquet in their hands.

"It's you."

"Oh! Even you came."

Bakugo shouts while Todoroki stays calm already predicting this.

"Why did you come?" Bakugo growls as him.

"The same reason as you." Todoroki keeps his cool.

"You...I hate you..." just when Bakugo gets ready to scowl at him Todoroki speaks, "If you do not feel like being with you are welcomed to go."

"As if I will, you half n half" Bakugo taunts him in return.

Both of them continue their verbal fight for the next one hour, although its only Bakugo doing most of it while Todoroki stays silent and ignores Bakugo making him angrier.

"What the fuck is Deku doing?" Bakugo loses his patience. Well, he was never patient to being with.

"Patience is a virtue. A man should wait for the woman he loves." Todoroki expresses his love but when said with his usually inexpressive face.....

"Hahahaha" Bakugo bursts out laughing at him, "It's so funny."

"This is not funny, this is the truth."

"And where did you learn this so-called truth?" Bakugo asks with a grin on his face.

"90 ways to get a girl's heart"


"From a book called '90 ways to get a girl's heart'" Todoroki replies thinking about the preparations he made. He read so many books about love, experts advice and mainly his mental training for confessing Midoriya.

"Shit! He already started his preparation." Bakugo grinds his teeth.

It was at this time that Midoriya entered the battlefield.

"Todoroki, Kacchan, What did you want to talk about?"

Just when they are about to reply, they stop in their tracks after seeing Midoriya. Under the moonlight, her pure white skin was shinning more radiantly than the moon and her exposed collarbone would make anyone crazy. Added to all this is the might of her bust, this is even more clear than when she was in her hero costume. If the Midoriya they have seen during the day is cute, then the Midoriya who is in front of them right now is the definition of sexiness.

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