2. | 7:10 A.M.

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My phone went off, waking me up from a deep sleep. "Hello?" I asked, groggily. "Hello there," Harry said through the phone.

Suddenly I was awake. I had completely forgotten that I was in LA, let alone working for a magazine reporting on Harry Styles. I blinked a few times, not really believing what was happening. "Chloe? Did I wake you?" he asked again, and my heart melted.

"No, no you didn't. What do you need?" I asked, sitting up. A deep laugh came through from the other line. "Sweetheart, the last time I checked, I'm the one that's getting a story written about him. So I was just phoning to let you know I'm going into the studio today, and I was extending an invitation to you," Harry said. I glanced at the time on my clock.

7:10 AM.

"Why so early?" I asked, jotting the time down on my notepad. His fans would probably love to know what time he typically wakes up to go to the studio. "The best work gets done in the morning. Plus, its not early if you didn't go to bed at all, just really late," he snickered. I wrote that down too. "You don't sleep?" I asked. "Not last night, I was up writing a song. Inspiration comes when it comes, you can't ignore it," he explained. That's fair enough.

"Can you send the address and I'll catch a cab?" I offered. "I can send someone to get you. Andrew is available," he said. "That would be lovely, thank you," I said, smiling. "Not a problem. See you in a bit," he said, ending the call. I glanced around the room, the morning sunshine peeking through the curtains. I rolled out of the bed and hopped in the shower. Once I was finished, I put on my best reporting clothes, even though I wasn't sure how formal I was to dress to go to a recording studio.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I opened it up to see Andrew. "Good morning, Ms. Green. Can I take your bags to the car?" he asked, and I nodded, handing him my work bags. I double checked that I had everything and then followed Andrew to the car.

In about ten short minutes we were pulling into the parking lot of a recording studio. The building was a lot smaller and more low-key than I imagined. The car parked and we both walked out, and I followed Andrew inside. He took me into a room with a bunch of controls and placed my bags at a table on the far side of the room. "You can set your things up here," he smiled and then exited the room, leaving me inside alone.

I opened up my computer and began taking notes about the space. I also made mention of the atmosphere around both Harry and his management. Everyone that works for him seems to be so kind and loving. It's kind of like a breath of fresh air. "I see you found your way just fine," someone said as a few more people entered the room. It was Harry. "Actually, I just got here. I didn't mean to intrude at all, Andrew told me to come inside here," I said, blushing a bit.

He laughed. "You're not intruding Chloe. Don't worry. Oh, and allow me to introduce you to some of my writing team," he said, gesturing to the people who walked into the room with him. I said hello to them and then went about my work.

Harry stepped inside the booth and began to record his music. His voice was beautiful, and the song he was singing was lovely. It took everything in me to take notes and not sit back and take in the music. Once the bridge was recorded, he came out to grab some water, and walked over to me.

"Anything worth writing about yet?" he asked, trying to look at my notes. "Actually yes, there's a lot here to write about, but it only comprises one part of your life. So, sadly, there's still lots of work left," I said, and he laughed. "Did you like it?" he asked, looking into my eyes. I felt paralyzed. "The song, did you like the song?" he asked again, probably thinking I was confused by his last question. "Yes, it was lovely. Very beautiful," I said, looking down at my feet so I could avoid his eyes.

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