27. | Miss You Too

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The flight to London felt relaxing. It was nice to have some time to myself and to think. My life had been a crazy whirlwind of emotion the past few days, and I was looking forward to spending some time making music and seeing my friends and family. 

"H, we're going to be landing in about ten." Andrew said, and I nodded. I was ready to get into the studio and write. I was feeling so inspired, and I felt a million songs trying to come out of me at once. I was hoping writing with some old friends like Louis would help channel the emotions I'm feeling into strong songs for my second album. 

Once we landed, I immediately sent Chloe a quick text that I was safe and sound before hopping into a car and heading to my London home. "What are your plans for the week, H?" Andrew asked, looking through his phone. "Mostly writing. Wanted to see some old writing friends and also family. I'm catching up with Louis, too." I explained, looking out the window and admiring the luscious green UK countryside. From Heathrow, it would be awhile to my home, so I settled in for the long drive and got out my earphones. 

I checked my phone and saw a message from Chloe, which instantly put a smile on my face. 

Hey! Good to hear you're safe and sound. Niall hasn't been here yet, although he's phoned a few times to check in. Hope you have an amazing trip. See you when you get back. xxx. 

The smile on my face grew wider as I felt hundreds of different emotions at once. I was so head over heels for her and it was going to be extremely hard being just friends with her, but if it's what I need to do in order to mend my relationship with her, I'll do it. I'll do anything. 

Niall can fuck off. I've actually got some time to talk right now, if you want? I'm on my way to my house in London and it's a long drive. 

I waited for a response and stared out the window. My phone pinged and I instantly looked down at it. 

Sure :) How was the flight?

I smiled at her small talk.

Good. I'm starved though. Could use a proper meal. What are you up to right now?

Nothing. I'm supposed to be working on a story for work tomorrow, but Hayley and I opted to watch movies instead. 

Smart decision. Movies are always a good idea. Can I phone you later, when I get to my house? Would you wait up? Miss you. x.

I nervously waited for her response to that one. I wasn't sure what she was going to say. 

Of  course. Miss you too. x. 

I felt my heartrate increase and happiness flood through me. While she may be my friend, she meant a lot more to me than that, whether she knew it or not. 


"Hey, lad." Louis cheered as I walked into the recording studio and felt a thousand different memories come flooding back. We recorded so much One Direction stuff in here that it felt weird to be in the space again. It had been years since I worked here. I embraced Louis in a hug and then shook hands with the others in the room before sitting down near Louis. 

"The look on your face says it all, mate." Louis snickered and I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked, shaking my head. "The girl. You've won her over, haven't you?" Louis raised his eyebrows at me and I shrugged. "Not exactly. We kind of just made a deal." I explained, shuffling through some loose pages of song lyrics. "What kind of deal? Friends with benefits?" Louis smirked, wriggling his eyebrows at me. I smacked him in the chest. 

"No, you idiot. We just agreed that it would be best to be friends until she's ready to be in a relationship." I said quietly. "Oh, I see. That must be kind of rough for you. It's obvious how taken you are with her." Louis said. "You have no idea. We talked on the phone yesterday when I got to my house and it took all of my willpower not to hop on the next flight back to LA just to see her face. It's making me fucking crazy." I ran a hand through my hair.

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