Chapter 21

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I was surprised when Lucifer announced that we were going today. But he said we'll go late.

"Should I call him and inform that we are going to be late? " I asked while eating breakfast.
"No need. If it really is that important, I'm sure he can wait few hours"

I felt little bad for Eric but what can I do now. If I argue more, Lucifer might even cancel the plan. I decided to keep my mouth shut.

After breakfast, Lucifer went to his office. He said he have a very important meeting today. So that was the main reason for being late. I kissed him good luck before he went.

I went to the garden and water my plants and sat down there for few minutes. Then I went to the library and finished the book I was reading.

After one hour or two, I get dressed. When I finished putting on my boots, our bedroom door opened and Lucifer entered in. I smiled at him and asked how was his meeting. He said it went smoothly.

All of a sudden, he pulled out a gun and placed it inside my purse. I watched him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Only for safety"
"I won't shoot anyone" I said nervously, taking few steps back. He grabbed me by my elbows and stopped me.
"I didn't ask you to shoot someone. Just keep it in case of emergency. No need to fire, okay?" he cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead. I nodded my head but kept the bag as far as possible. Lucifer chuckled lightly and shook his head.

He walked us to his grand car, where his driver was waiting. I wished the driver and sat inside. Lucifer followed behind and sat next to me. I placed my head on his shoulder as the car started.

"Are you really okay with this?" I asked after some time.
"No. It has been years since I visited my mother's grave with my father. I don't know how to stay calm"
"Don't worry. I'll be there" I smiled at him. He kissed my forehead and nod his head.

After half an hour, we reached our destination. It was a big Cemetery, with big gates. I stepped out of the car and shivered at the cold air. Soon Lucifer wrapped his hands around my shoulders.

When we entered inside, I looked around. Lucifer already knew where to find his father, so he went straight to his mother's grave. There was Eric, dressed in all black, watching his wife's headstone.

When we reached near, I notice the headstone. Emily Knight was beautifully crafted on it. Few lines about how amazing she was, were written below in a form of a poem. Short and sweet.

We stopped at some distance behind him. Hearing us, Eric turned around.

"I thought you won't come" he said with a low voice, much different from his usual grumpy one.

"Talk" Lucifer commanded. Eric looked at his son and sighed.
"I would like to talk to Maisie in private".
"Like hell I'm gonna let you talk to her in private" Lucifer scoffed angrily.
"Son please. I know you are protective of her but trust me. I won't do anything to harm my daughter in law and my grandchild" Eric tried to clarify but Lucifer was not listening.

At last I tried to convince him. I placed my hand on his arm and rubbed it in a soothing manner to relax him,saying "It will be okay. It will hardly take 5 mins. Besides you'll be near. Nothing will happen, okay?".

After some minutes, he agreed and went under a tree near by. He kissed me before leaving which left my cheeks red. I turned towards Eric and smiled shyly.

"He is totally smitten by you" he said. I just blushed harder. I cleared my throat and asked him why did he invited me here. He sighed heavily and said, "Dear, I'm so sorry for misbehaving with you from the beginning. I know I've hurt you very much but please accept my apology".

'Say what??'

I was shocked. So that's why he called us here.

"Why are you apologizing to me? You've hurt Lucifer more than me. I've come to your family just a few months ago. But he is your son and ever since he is born, you've neglected him at every chance you get. You neglected your son as well as your wife. So why this change suddenly?" I said, feeling lot more anger then shock.

He pinched his nose bridge and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they were red and slightly glossy. I gasped inwardly, feeling guilty.

"I know I'm a horrible father. I know I was, still am, a horrible husband. But trust me, I tried to change it. I tried but it never worked out. I always considered Emily as a trophy wife. She was nothing but a high fame beautiful girl, to whom everyone wants to get married. But I got lucky and she married me. She already confessed her love for me at the very first day but me being me, never cared. When she got pregnant, she was the happiest person living on earth. I remember her smiling each and every time talking about her pregnancy" Eric smiled at the memory of his wife. But his smile got swiped away quickly. He continued,

"But I only cared about the heir. I already made it clear that I never loved her and I just wanted a heir. Whenever my business went down, she would call her parents to invest more money on me. Since her family was and still is the richest family in this city, investing money was not a problem.

She was a happy and ideal wife for the outside world but nobody knows how many tears were shed behind the closed doors. Things changes when Sofia came into our life. She changed it completely. She used Emily for money. She used me too. I hurt Emily more than I can imagine. I divorced her the day Lucifer was born. But till the time I realized my mistake, it was too late. Emily slit her wrist and bled to death
I killed her. I'm the reason for her death" till now, we both were in tears. Eric's face was red and tired. His eyes were showing the immense guilt he was feeling.

I was not able to say anything. I know he was a terrible husband and a father. Lucifer told me everything about his childhood and how this man ruined it. But now standing before him, I was feeling sorry for him too.

He took a deep breath and said, "I just wanted to say this all things to you because I know you are the most important person on Lucifer's life. I was never able to give him love that he deserved but I want you to take care of him. He was completely damaged until you came. Just don't ever leave him like his parents".

I wiped my tears away and said "Don't worry. I won't". He silently thanked me with his eyes and stood there silently watching Emily's headstone.

"Ohh I almost forgot. Before I go, here, take this. Its a birthday present from me and Emily" he took out a small box. I took it still surprised. He gestured me to open it. I unwrap it and opened the lid to find a brooch. It was a light purple colored orchid brooch. Small diamonds were embedded on it, enhancing its beauty. My lips curved up forming a sweet smile.

"Thank you very much"
"My pleasure dear" saying this, he bid farewell and went away. I stood there in front of my mother in law's headstone.

"Orchids were her favorite" I heard Lucifer saying from behind me. I then noticed some orchids lying flat above the grave. Just then I realized this brooch must be Emily's, since she loved orchids.

I went near Lucifer and wrapped my hands around his left arm and leaned my head on it. We stood there for some time and I told him everything Eric and I talked. Unlike me he wasn't feeling sorry for Eric, rather he was angry at him like always.

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