Chapter 24

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I've made halfway through my pregnancy as its my 6th month. It's been amazingly beautiful. During my 25th week I felt our baby's kick for the first time. I still remember the moment it first happened.


Its time for Lucifer to return, so I thought I should go downstairs. I kept moving up and down the stairs so much that Amy scolded me yesterday. She asked me to shift our room downstairs but I didn't wanted to disturb Lucifer, so I kept the idea to myself.

It's not like I don't take care, it's just they are overprotective. I went to the dining hall where Amy was placing all the dishes.

I took my seat and began to talk with Amy. Then she asked about the 'shifting'. Since I never asked Lucifer, I tried to change the topic. But she was stubborn.

Suddenly my husband entered the room and walked straight to me. I beamed at him because I genuinely started missing him more during these days.

He greeted Amy as she went inside the kitchen, then he kissed me.
"I missed you" I said during the kiss.
"I bet not more than me" saying this he deepen the kiss. While kissing me, he placed one hand on my stomach when suddenly I felt it for the first time.

We both froze and stared at each other with wide eyes. Again. We felt it.
"The baby just kicked" he whispered. I grinned at him and nodded my head.
"Seems like she misses you too" I giggled.

It's a girl. We checked it during my 16th week. Lucifer wanted it to be surprise but I was becoming restless. Lucifer kept telling me it may be a girl and I end up getting excited about knowing the gender of our baby.
And hooray! It turned out to be a girl.

'Aww...we are having a baby girl'

He suddenly knelt down near the table, on my side. Then he placed a gentle kiss over the baby bump and whispered, "I missed you too sunshine". And guess what, the baby kicked again in reply.

*End of flashback

It was a blissful experience. After that day Amy talked with Lucifer and shifted our room downstairs and he immediately started shifting.
I was happy because he let me choose the room. I selected a room near garden, from where the plants were beautifully visible.

He even shifted some of the books in nearby room, so that I don't have to go upstairs to library.

'Awww I love him so much'

Today was my doctor's appointment. So I got dressed into a maxi dress and tied my hairs into a loose messy ponytail. After dressing up, I called Lucifer.

He was in his office, so he told me to come to the hospital and said he'll meet me there.
I went outside and greeted the driver. I sat inside and soon we drove to the hospital.

We reached the hospital and I saw Lucifer already waiting for me at the entrance. He noticed our car and came right to my side and helped me out.

"How are you?" He asked while kissing my forehead. I replied "fine" and then we went inside.

After the checkup, Lucifer and I went to the canteen. I took a bottle of juice and some chips and started eating it. As we were leaving his phone rang. He excused himself and told me to sit down on a bench.

He went few metres away and started talking with his back faced to me. I got concentrated on eating. Suddenly someone called my name. When I looked up to see who was it, I became speechless.

It was Jason.

Chips were stuffed inside my mouth as I tried to chew it down quickly. He smiled a sad smile when he noticed my baby bump.

"How long?" He asked.
"Halfway down. 6 month running" I said smiling at him. I looked at Lucifer over Jason's shoulder and noticed he was still on his phone.

'Damn his phone'

There was a awkward silence between us. I don't know what to say, so I offered him some chips.
"Chips? They are tasty. Try them"
"No thanks Maisie" he said, laughing, "look Maisie, I'm s-" he was cut off when Lucifer placed one hand over his shoulder.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked with clenched jaw. My eyes went wide when I noticed Lucifer's eyes were dark with anger.

"Its a hospital Lucifer. What do you think I'm doing here?" Jason said glaring at him.
"Don't act too smart kid. You sure you aren't stalking my wife?"
"I won't do anything to make Maisie sad"


"You son of-"
"Lucifer. Stop. Please calm down" I grabbed his hand with both of my hands. I turned to Jason and asked "What is it Jason?"
"Maisie, I'm so sorry for what happened that night. I don't know what came over me..." I felt Lucifer clenching his hands into a tight fist.
"....I just don't want to ruin our friendship. Please forgive me Maisie. I'm really very sorry"

I smiled at him and said "let's forget the past". He grinned big and stretched his hand out for me to shake but I never got the chance.

Next thing I knew, I was being tugged, gently but firmly, by Lucifer towards his car as he motioned our driver to go home. He opened the passenger door for me. I looked at him with mouth agape and wide eyes.

"Not now Maisie"
"Get inside" he said sternly. I closed my mouth and got inside. Soon he drove off.

Few seconds later he reached out for my hand but I moved it away and folded my hands over my chest. I pouted and looked outside the window trying my best to show my anger. He sighed and called my names many times.
He even tried to start new topics but I remained like a statue.

When he pulled over in front of our house, I hurried my way inside our room with him following and calling me. When we reached inside our room I tried to go inside the washroom but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

He spined me around and grabbed both of my elbows to keep me in place. He frowned at me with eyes still dark.
"Don't tell me you feel sorry for that fucktard". I remained quiet.
"Maisie answer me. Don't give me a silent treatment for that moron". When I kept glaring at him he cursed under his breath.

"You left my chips and juice on the bench" I pouted.
"What?" Confusion covered his face.
"I was eating my snacks. But you dragged me out of there making me leave my snacks" I said while pushing him on his chest. He didn't moved an inch.

"You are angry because you left your snacks?" He said as amusement flooded his eyes. I gasped and said "you think it's funny? You think I'm a joke don't you? You don't understand".

My eyes became glossy. Well its not my fault. Its my hormones. They are making me wild this days. More horny, more sensitive, more emotional...'s messing up my mind.

Lucifer smiled and pulled me towards him. He wrapped his hands around my waist as I placed mine over his chest.

"I'm not making fun of you wife. I will never. I just can't believe how on earth you became mine" then he kissed me one of his passionate kiss. He took all my sensitive portion away, replacing it with the horny one.

I moaned in his kiss and his hands started moving all over my body. After our heated make out, I was left panting as always.
"What am I going to do with you, love?" He whispered near my ear.
"Buy me chicken nuggets"

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