34~ Charming

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I have a love hate relationship with cheering basketball games.

The bright side is that I'm inside, actually able to see the entire game. The downside is it's a million degrees with all the people crammed in the gym and it's loud as hell.

This is my first game back in full force, tumbling and all. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement.

It's not about the people, the heat or the fact my long sleeved undershirt is way too tight to be comfortable. It's the creeping thought that something could happen, getting seriously injured this time. Or I could've forgotten how to tumble and fall flat on my face. Breaking a tooth and being stuck like that forever because I don't have the money to fix that.

Ok, maybe I'm being a little over dramatic but, still, a lot can happen.

I go for a roundoff back handspring back tuck but fall short after my handspring. Something that's never happened to me. Madison doesn't say anything, thank God, I can only take so much mortification.

I try it again and this time I land it, but it's rocky. This is so stupid.

The anger I have builds as the game starts, causing me to mess up simple cheers I've had memorized since freshman year, even some I created.

Avery's noticed too because she makes a comment every time it happens. Tonight she's in charge of calling cheers, something the upperclassmen switch around since it's pretty common to lose your voice during basketball season.

It's after the third quarter, when we go onto the court for a stunt formation while the teams have a break. Avery's eyes rapidly scan through the cheerbook before she lands on a specific one.

"Formation 33 ladies." She calls out and my stomach falls.

This is the only formation where I fly and, to make matters worse, Avery is my base. There's a reason we stopped doing this one. I try to protest but Avery demands it since she's in charge. Madison tells me to do it so we can actually do something before the next quarter begins.

Fine. It's totally fine.

The counting starts and I go through the motions.

1, 2
Smile wide
3, 4
Squeeze my stomach
5, 6
Don't panic
7, 8
Don't look down.

I focus on the stands to ease my nerves. I can see the twins sitting with Sam, Saffron and Ronnie mocking us from the sideline. I try to find John but suddenly I'm no longer standing straight. I'm falling.

I close my eyes and say a prayer that I don't break my nose as I head towards the hardwood floor. Oddly, the crash never comes.

"Am I dead?" I whisper, honestly that would be a better option right now over total humiliation.

"No, Sweetheart, I got ya." An all to familiar voice whispers in my ear, hair tickling my cheek.

Wait a minute, I open my eyes. Sure enough, Ashton is holding me in a perfect cradle position. Our faces inches apart. I stare at him, completely mind blown that he caught me. Hell, right now I don't even care that he's a sweaty mess. I'm not broken into a million pieces.

The entire gym begins to clap and whistle, causing a smug smirk to form in his face. "I guess this means I'm your hero."

I roll my eyes, patting the side of his face. "Ok, Prince Charming, please put me down." His eyes light up as he walks me back over to the sideline and sets me down, that way there's no more accidents.

Ashton winks at me before hustling back onto the court and I'm sure half the student section fainted. He truly has an effect on people.

Avery, on the other hand, is simmering in the corner. I glare back at her. I know she didn't drop me on accident.

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