39~ Decisions

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I listen to the voicemail for the fifth time this morning.

The receptionists soft voice confirms my appointment for 4pm with Dave Mackenzie. Today I'll finally read the Will my parents left, their final wishes for our lives.

Maybe I can reschedule, I think I have a migraine coming on.

Splashing cold water on my face I study myself in the mirror, the bags underneath my eyes an impressive size. Even for me. If I don't do this today then I won't ever step foot into his office. It's now or never.

I go through the motions at school, not really paying attention to Gabe who tries to get a rise out of me in pre cal. My mood sours when Ashton doesn't show up for third period. Or fourth.

I walk by myself to lunch for the first time in months, doing a double take when I pass the library. Ashton's on the computer. I walk in, waving hello to the librarian as I make my way to the computers.

"Hey, Charming, I've missed you." I chirp, wrapping my arms around his chest.

Ashton doesn't break away from the computer to say hello, his eyes focused on whatever he was reading. I frown, reading the screen as I take the seat next to him. "The University of Alabama, why the interest?" He's never mentioned them before.

Silence follows and I'm about to leave, feeling like I'm bothering him when he pulls my legs onto his lap, running his fingers over them. "I was gonna tell you after school but since you're busy I'll tell you now."

I raise an eyebrow to hide the guilt. I didn't want anyone to know where I was going, including Ashton. A weird feeling since I tell him everything.

"I got invited for a football visit." He admits, exiting off the screen to face me.

"Oh my God, that's awesome!" I shout, quieting when the librarian shushes me. One of the most impressive teams in college is interested in Ashton. What an honor.

He rubs the back of his head, pulling at the flannel he's wearing. "It's this weekend and I was wondering if you want to go with me?" I blink, processing his words. "I know it's last minute and all but I'd love it if you were there." He continues, grabbing my hand.

I nod my head, distracted by the fact we're holding hands again. He's experiencing a life changing opportunity and he wants me to go with him? "Yeah, I'd love to."

He gets so excited that we both get kicked out.


I get to Dave's office ten minutes early, giving me plenty of time to regret my decision.

The office is so clean, only covered in black and white, it makes me regret wearing ripped jeans. It's so strange, not one ounce of his personality shines through but I suppose no one goes to a lawyer interested in their fishing.

"Miss Rhodes, he's ready for you." The receptionist, a petite woman I believe named Susan, calls.

I follow her back to his office, my palms sweating with anticipation as her heel clicks echo off the walls. I think I'm gonna throw up. Maybe bringing Sage would've been a good idea, he always knows how to calm me down.

"Scarlett!" Dave greets me, getting up from behind his desk to hug me.

"Hello, Mr. Mackenzie." I say awkwardly, taking a seat in a teal chair.

"You can still call me Dave, dear." He offers with the same warm smile I've seen since I was a child.

Right. I study the shelves behind him, pictures of Ella everywhere but I'm especially touched to find a few of my siblings and I as well. There's a stack of files on his desk that he makes no move to open. I'm about to ask what we're waiting for when a knock sounds at the door. Moments later, Joe enters the room, in much better spirits than the last time I saw him.

Life in Color ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora