Chapter 13

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Ring! Ring!

My cell phone rang, waking me up. It was Mandy. I received the call.

"It's only eight! Why the hell are you calling me so early?", I grumbled. "Because we are going to the mall for Christmas shopping!", Mandy chirped from the other end.

"I thought you already did", I muttered.

"Yeah I did but I forgot to buy a gift for Xavier."

"Oh no, I forgot too!"

Just the mention of Xavier brought the memories of their kiss yesterday. I touched my lips gingerly.

What the hell is happening to me?

"Hello Ethan? You there?"

"Ye - ah! I'll be there at ten."



# # #

I reached the mall exactly at ten. Mandy was waiting for me at the entrance.

"Christmas is only three days away", she reminded.

"I know."

"You do remember what you have to do before Christmas, right?"


"Ethan! Boyfriend !"

"Oh! That? I quit."

"But - But -"

"Mandy I need to talk to you about something very important."

We entered a gift shop.


"About Xavier."

"I think I'll buy a pair of Vans for him. What about you?"

"No, not about that."


I took a deep breath. "We kissed."

Mandy turned to me and shrieked,"You what ?!"

I soon explained her everything.

"And now I can't stop thinking about him", I added.

Mandy shook her head in bewilderment. "Does he make you happy?", she asked.

"Of course."

"Do you feel happy with him?"


"Do you feel scared at the thought that you guys will separate after graduation?"


"Do you feel jealous when he's with someone else, like Amy?"

"Mandy! Why are you asking me such stupid questions?", I asked. My face felt hot - it had become red.

Mandy sighed. "Ethan, I think you're in love with Xavier."

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Being SingleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz