Chapter 19

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My head was killing me.

My eyes were sore.

I felt exhausted.

All because of the stupid exams that would begin next week. After that graduation. And then college.

I yawned. It was only one p.m. in the afternoon and I was already feeling sleepy. I shook my head and tried to be more alert and active.

I'll pay Xavier a visit, I mused. I hadn't met him since our date two nights ago.

So I got up, dressed nicely, put on a hint of perfume and ate a mint-flavoured candy to freshen my breath. All ready to go!

I made my way towards Xavier's house a few blocks away. The snow had long melted away, but the breeze was still chilly. I wrapped my arms around my sweater as Xavier's house came into view.

I knocked at the door.

"Ethan darling! Come inside!", Mrs. Fernandes greeted as she opened the door. "Hi Mrs. Fernandes! Is Xavier in?", I asked after I kissed her cheek. She was like my second mother.

"He's in his room studying", she replied. I ran upstairs and rushed inside Xavier's room, pouncing on him. "HIIIIIIE!", I giggled loudly. Xavier was startled for a moment, and then he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hi", he murmured as he pecked my nose with his lips. "How come you're here?"

"I was bored", I said, "And I was missing you."

"Hmmm", he replied, "That makes me feel good."

Just then, the doorbell rang downstairs and a few moments later, there was a knock on Xavier's door.

"Come in", Xavier called out.

The door creaked open slowly and I gasped in shock on seeing Xavier's ex girlfriend -


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