Passer of Judgement

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•W/F: Worst Fear (preferably something physical, like a giant spider or a clown)

Author's POV:

————————————————Author's POV:________________________________

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The roar of cheers turned deafening the closer the human and demon got to the arena. Y/N was hesitant to walk past the entry door as Cain held it open for her, but she had come this far. She pressed onwards, but her pace was slow, so the demon set a hand on her shoulder, pushing lightly to have her match his stride. He could feel her shaking through the contact, and the fragrance of fear stung his nostrils, emanating from her soul. Her feet were dragging, too afraid to see what might lie ahead of her, but they kept moving. They find themselves on a balcony overlooking the entire stadium, standing above the massive crowd of demons filling the thousands upon thousands of seats.

Above, the arena is covered by a glass, dome ceiling while dead center lies a very deep and very wide pit surrounded by a black, metal railing. Within it, a gate lifts to reveal a muscular man covered in a plethora of scars and an all too familiar chain around his neck. Her throat tightened, and instinctively, she brought a hand to her neck to rub it. In unison, the demons in the stands stomp their feet at a steady beat that made Y/N's heart pound louder as her adrenaline rose, and out from the shadows of the pit emerges a tall man dressed in armor covering everything from the neck down, aside from his back, which faces her.

That side of him is protected by a dark grey shell covered in thick, black spikes, and lower down, a massive scorpion tail curled behind him. The only other things she could make out were his dark helmet shaped with classic devil horns and a large, double-faced ax with red blades held within his clawed hands. Raising his weapon high, the crowd rewards him with an almost deafening roar of excitement as he turns himself around to view them all. Donning a look of surprise, Y/N leans over the red, balcony wall a bit, stricken by those four familiar eyes, though they did not look into hers.

"Phil?" She mutters out, astonished by the intricate metal work on his armor, yet also unsettled for unknown reasons. Perhaps, it was because of the atmosphere or the fact that she didn't know what to expect out of this. Could've been both for all she knew. Unbeknownst to her, Cain's lips curled into a smirk as he turns his gaze towards the duo in the pit. The servant's chains were removed as a booming voice rang from the speakers in the building.

"With the pre-show entertainment out of the way, let us greet our first challenger of the evening! Welcome, Demetri Addams, to The War Zone!" The audience roars out again, sending Y/N's heart thumping in her throat. "Poor, old Demetri landed himself in Hell for getting revenge on a murderer who tragically killed his little babe~ Oh, how sad!" The announcer chuckles darkly, sounding a little too cheery and sarcastic in his tone.

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