Head Stuffed With Wool

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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Staggering and stumbling down the hall, Y/N's feet didn't seem to know what direction they wanted to go. Her breath reeked of whiskey, as did her company, who assisted her down the hall to her bedroom. Cain had drank much more than her but was well put together in comparison. Perhaps a little dazed but nothing major. He acted as her crutch all the way from the bar to the bed, where she then collapsed with a very loud sigh.

Her body and mind felt loosened up, all thoughts of the incident pushed out of her head for the time being as she sunk into the mattress. It felt like ages that she has been talking to the fork-tongued creature about her life prior to coming to Hell, and he had been patient throughout. Then, afterwards they started having other conversations of far less importance. What of, she couldn't even remember; she was so drunk, but it had been a nice evening, surprisingly. Smiling, the woman cuddles up with the pillows and blankets before turning on her side to view Cain.

"I guess being wasted wasn't such a bad idea after all. I feel like I can fight God." Y/N giggles, and the demon laughs, shaking his head at her. Sighing again, she rolls onto her back and stares up at the ceiling, her vision blurred greatly. "This is hella finnnnneeeee," she sings out with a giggle. Tilting his head, Cain gave her an amused grin.

"Are you always so ridiculous?"

"Only on Wednesdays and part time on Saturday," she jokes, gaining another laugh out of him. Cain thought her quite charming. He was surprised. He had expected a meek thing, but after getting some alcohol in her, he was greeted with the sight of her inner self freed. So that's what the king saw in her. He understood it now. She was easy to relax around. Her very presence was soothing and easy to get along with. However, he had approached her for a reason, not just to get chummy. His expression hardened to something more serious, though he kept his gaze gentle.

"Y/N." The young seamstress hums for him to go on, oblivious to the look. "You know, you seem to have gotten yourself into quite a bit of trouble since you've come here, and clearly, it's going to be difficult being with Mephistopheles after..." The demon cuts himself short once he saw the look of anguish on her face. Gripping the pillow under her hand, Y/N threw it over her face and stared to breathe heavily as one of those wretched visions entered her head. Her nails sunk into the fabric as she held back her cries, though she could not end her shaking.

"Don't... Don't bring that up. Please." Whimpering at the pain in her temples, she moves the pillow off her frowning face and onto her chest to hold it tightly. "Why'd you have to go and ruin the mood?"

"Sorry. I'm just trying to say that I think it might be better for you to just go home at this point and forget about this place. I know it's not something you want to hear. I know you're hopeful that perhaps you can get past all this, but Hell is no place for a human like you. You are too pure. Wouldn't you rather live a life where you don't have to fear just walking outside of your bedroom?" The woman scoffs, though not to insult him. She just found his words to be comical.

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