The black shadow, (part four) [Creepy!]

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I just remembered something that happened to me during the time I was 12-13 years old, so around the year 2012 to 2013. I don't think I wrote about it here, since it was a really small event. But if I did write about it in a previous chapter, just tell me!

This happened during the time I was sleeping in the Yellow/Mirror room. It was a fall or winter evening, because it was pitch black when we were eating dinner. This is when my father was alive still, so it was us three eating.

I had to excuse myself to grab something from upstairs, so I left the kitchen. We like to save money, so all the lights were off in the house, except a light at the end table upstairs, and I think the office light. I could see perfectly down the hallway, though. I saw a shadow inside the room and it looked like it was peeking out of the side of the doorframe. It seemed pretty tall too. Once I had a good view of it, the shadow moved away. I was absolutely terrified, since I had been sleeping in that room!

And I think this happened after I had seen that black shadow the first time, and my friend had told me that she had seen it standing in the same doorway.

I didn't want to go near that room. I remember feeling watched from upstairs and didn't go into the hallway. I remember standing at the top of the stairs, shaking. It felt so.. errie and quiet up there.

I turned back down the stairs and asked my dad to look in that room for anything, because I was just that terrified! He looked around, and didn't find anything of course. That night, I remember sleeping with all the lights on because of the fear.

Now that I think about it, I think it was the same shadow my friends had seen standing in the doorway of that room.

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