Submission P5

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Keiths POV.
I blink. I feel dazed. I look at Lance dead in the eye and wrap my arms around his neck.
"We do this.."
I kiss him softly. And his eyes seem to shine. He smiles and kisses me back.

Lance's POV:
I took advantage of his words and got to work, pulling his shirt off over his head and tossing it to the ground, my shirt soon having the same fate. I kiss him softly, starting to prod at his bulge with my hand as I continue to kiss him.


Keiths Pov
I cover my mouth with my hand, trying to stifle a groan.
"Tsk, tsk. I wanna hear those pretty little nosies you make." Lance says.

I close my eyes and drop my hand. Lance squeezes my budgle, and i let a loud groan.
"Oh fuck."

Lance's POV:
I can't help but to smirk at this. I was finally in control; finally able to tell him what to do and he would listen. What a great feeling, to boss around the boss.

I kiss him deeper, my tongue doing the work as I slid off both of our pants. I sat on the tent in his boxers and moved slowly on it.


Submissive Mullet - Klance SmutWhere stories live. Discover now