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Lola put her lips together and narrowed her eyes as she threw her head back in agony. She showed no signs of relief as the chaplain walked into the room.

As he picked up his bible case, he was moved by Lola's pain. He got close to her and offered her some encouragement. "It will be alright, Lola."

This only made her situation worse. The kicks intensified as they were repeated. The doctor observed that she was in more distress as the chaplain stood there with the blue box containing the bible in his hands.

There was a distraction. Lola's attention was taken by the ringtone which sounded from her phone. She knew who it was because that ringtone only sounded for one person.

"Hello," said Lola.

"Hey dear, I'm at the clinic now, I'm walking towards the reception."

"Okay." Lola let out a sigh of relief and turned to Grace. "Phil's here."

"I thought as much. I'll go get him." Grace went out to find her brother.

Minutes later, Phil and Grace walked into the room. He was greeted by Dr Momoh and the chaplain. He embraced his wife as the doctor signalled to him.

Phil followed Dr Momoh and the chaplain outside the room. She explained to Phil all that had happened with Lola. With her explanations, Phil could sense the dread in her voice. A good lot of their conversation made him wonder what really this could be. She advised him to help calm Lola down and take her mind away from any worries.

Phil returned to the room to meet his sister and wife talking. He sat beside his wife. He thought it best to distract her from her baby talk. He reminded her of their honeymoon trip--good times, good memories and happy moments. He swiped through their pictures in his phone as he commented on them.

"Aw, I remember this like yesterday." Phil spoke as both of them focused on the phone screen. "When we went hiking on our honeymoon trip. You didn't think we'll make it up the hill, but we did."

"Yeah, I was so happy I finished it." Lola let a smile show on her face.

Good memories can be relaxing.

Phil swiped to the next photograph. "Ah, this photo. Remember the next day we visited the ruins of that ancient shrine in Budapest?"

"Of course, I felt..."

Lola stopped as she felt a kick again. There was a pop. For a brief moment, she seemed startled. She didn't know exactly what to think but she felt something.

"Dear, I think my waters..."

"Your waters have broken?" said Grace. "The doctor already said it's way too early for that to happen." When she made that statement, she drew out the last two words as she examined Lola. It seemed she doubted herself. This pregnancy had already presented strange things. Few moments later, there was some fluid on the bed.

Grace rushed to get Dr Momoh.

"Your waters bro... Yes, your, your waters broke! Almost two months early." The doctor spoke, surprise evident in her voice. "This is unexpected."

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