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- Kieran -

Alina left.

I should've sensed it. The moment her lips were uncertain even for just a split second.

Waking up alone after a night of intercourse should've satisfied me. I've never liked being the one to leave and risk getting caught.

But the moment I felt the cold and empty sheets next to me, an icy chill seeped into my heart and froze it in place.

I'm thinking being numb is much better than what I'm feeling. That stubborn ache in my chest that aspirin and money couldn't cure.

I left the moment Lucy told me Alina had gone back. I had no purpose in staying here anymore. Besides, the whole damn suite reminded me of her.

My office used to be my place of solace, my own personal dungeon where my demons could run free.

It was exactly what I needed.

I pushed the button on my table and the shades shielded the sunlight from entering. My walls shifted and instantly I was in my own soundproof den. It was as dark as my soul and I closed my eyes, letting the silence wreak me.

I heard a small whoosh then, the target flying across the room. I reached for my gun in my holster and waited patiently until I had a good shot. I snapped the gun out from behind me and fired at the target, hearing it stop moving.

The shades lifted and the bullseye of the target board was shot precisely.

It didn’t stop the turmoil within me though. Ever since my parents passed away, I focused on building my company and on protecting myself. Defending and attacking when need be.

I rested back in my plush leather chair and looked out the city scape, all the years of being immune to external factors and here I was, beaten up and bruised because of a fake relationship.

I fiddled with the magnetic lipstick case and Alina's silver ring in my pocket, I shouldn’t keep these. My own silver band weighed heavily on my ring finger, telling me to take it off and stop living in a fantasy. I haven’t found the strength or need to remove it just yet.

Just a little longer.

“Mr Knight, Mr Anderson is here to see you,” Lucy rang through my intercom and my professional stature replaced the annoying pain in me for a while.

“Has he made an appointment?”

“He’s your 10am.”

I glanced at my Rolex, 9:58am.

“Let him in in two minutes.”

I sipped on my black coffee, grimacing at the bitterness. Has it always been this strong? Or has my sense of taste become that of a child’s?

The second hand ticked down the last few seconds to 10am and I got up from my seat.

“Mr Anderson will come through now Mr Knight,” Lucy called out again and I kept Alina’s ring and lipstick in my blazer pocket.

My mahogany doors creaked open and Connor came in, looking like he lost another billion dollars.

“Mr Anderson, may I help you with anything?” I asked and sat down at my seat on the sofa.

He stood awkwardly, his tie was crooked and he looked dishevelled with a cut on his lip.

“Why did you tell her?” He breathed out raggedly.

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