▪ Chapter 0 ▪

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I died, huh?

"Ringgg Ringgg Ringggg~~!!!"

There goes the alarm on a beautiful clear day, just hitting the 7am and tormenting the poor girls ear drums and waking her up. She wakes up and opens her eyes, barely lifting her heavy eyelids, that are still sleepy. Her eyes meets the blank ceiling and stares at it for a while, grasping that the dreadful school morning has come. A simple sigh leaves her mouth after a minute or so then she left her warm bed and stands up. She mutters "Shut up already..." and karate chops the alarm in a annoyed manner to shut it up.

She did a few stretches to lighten her stiff body and went into the bathroom. After a while, the girl comes out of the bathroom freshly showered. Of course, she did brush her tooth. She glances at the clock and curses "Tch, I took too long in shower" she quickly dresses up into her school uniform, takes the notebooks on her table with Mikaru on it and slides them into her bag and goes out of her room. She ran out of the house and goes down to the main road, where her friend is waiting for her.

"Mi- Ka- Ruuu~~!!"
Mikaru turns to the side and saw her friend on a bike, waving very energetically at her. She took a deep breath and goes towards her friend. "Rin, ohayo~" Mikaru says in an unenthusiastic manner, and kept a bored face until Rin smiles and smacks her head, hard. "Don't just 'ohayo' me!! You're late!"

"Ow..!! That hurts you know.." Mikaru squats down and holds on to her head. "That's what you get for being late!" Rin said in a annoyed but smug tone. Mikaru mumbles in her mouth "sigh.. It's not like I did it intentionally..". "Anyways, hurry up and hop on! We're really gonna be late!!" Rin says after pulling Mikaru up. Mikaru responded with "Hai~hai~" and hops on the bike's back seat.

Time skip to school lunch time:

"Kyaaaa~~!!" Rin squealed in her desk, starteling Mikaru and causing her to look at the squealing. Mikaru asks
"What was that all about..?" Just to get this answer from Rin
"They're.. so... hot...!!! Agrhhhh!!! Whyy...!!??"
Mikaru sighs and shakes her head
" It's that Diabolik lovers.. isn't it?".
Rin says "Well yes!! I just bought an limmited edition poster of Shu and Reiji! It's just... beautiful.. heh~he" then she started to drool and went to her own world of fantasy.
Mikaru thought 'Let's just leave her there, in her own world... '

How do Mikaru knows of Diabolik lovers? You may ask. Well it's because of Rin! She made Mikaru watch and sit through the seasons and plays of Diabolik lovers quiet a few times. Thought Mikaru didn't really care about it much.

Mikaru glanced at friend once more 'there she goes, ignoring everything and slipping into her own world. What a troublesome friend' is what she thought and then took out a romance novel and drifted into her own word as well, while chuckling at herself after thinking 'I guess I don't really have the right to say that.'

Time skip after school:

"Bye Mikaru~~ Go home safely~~" Rin waves at the brunette and rides off on her bike.
"Un, Bye Rin~" Mikaru said in a stoic tone after with a little smile on her face and waves softly at the girl on a bike. She turned around and went the opposite way, directing to the metro station.

'Today, I have family reunion.. sigh what a pain' she scratched the back of her head and goes in to the station. "Beep bep" she passes the station gate by opening it with a pass card and goes to the metro platform and waits with in the crowd.

Mikaru was still in thoughts so she didn't pay much attention to her environment. 'I don't want to go... meeting them is troublesome... I think it has been 2 years?.. 3 years..? Since I've last seen them..?' She ran her slim fingers through her hair 'Whatever, it's going to be the last time in a long time, probably. I'm going to study aboard after I graduate from school. Just one more month and I'll be out of- "

Suddenly she seemed to loose her balance and sees everything side ways 'huh? Is the world falling..?' She slipped on a ice cream? If that was what it is and fell right before the fast moving metro. At that moment things seemed to happen so slow yet so fast. She could hear some people shout and some people just continuing their doings. In an instant, a bright light hit her, she felt no pain, no sound, no nothing.

'So, I'm dead, huh?'

'It's so peaceful here...'

Is what she thought until she felt someone hug her and what it feels like someone dragging her back to reality.

"Eh?" That was the only sound she made. She was being hugged by a random guy, who's oddly big. Mikaru was still in the middle of processing her situation and stayed still.

"Is that her?" A quiet feminine voice echoed in the room. "Ah, yes." The guy lets Mikaru go and allows her to see the surroundings more clearly. "Say hello dear. This is your new sister, Yui" the guy said with a warm smile. Mikaru looked up to the girl and thought 'everything about her seems... oddly familiar..?'.

Yui smiles and comes up to her and squats down and looks at Mikaru. "Hello little one, I'm Yui~" Yui smiles sweetly at the little girl. "Uh.. hello.?" Was all Mikaru could say. Yui giggles and asks "What's your name?"

'Name..' Suddenly a painful gush of memories flashes in her head, ones she know of and also ones she does not know of.

'... my name..'
she thought and answers


" my name is Rui..".
Yui immediately responds "Oh, that's a cute name~" and pats the little ones head " let's get along.. Rui!" was what she said and Rui [Mikaru] just nodded hesitantly.

The little girl, more precisely Rui stares at the female in front of her. The old memories and the new memories all mixing up in her head, who she was, who she is, are still getting organized. Even though so many things where in her mind, only two thing repeated itself more clearly than the others.

'Yui.. Komori's sister.. and this..'

'This world of Diabolik lovers...'

To be continued.....

Very first chapter I've made!! Well this was more of a prologue~~
Wanna know how i feel about it??
Well of course I'm proud of it xD !!
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I'll try to update as much as I can :3

See you later,


Ohayo- Good morning
Hai hai- ok ok
Un- agreed/ok/nod

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