The Hostile Hospital, part two

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With the last episode being one of the only truly great episodes I enjoyed in this series, (although The Vile Village wasn't a total loss either) I watched this next part with great anxiety. a word which here means rocking back and forth in a chair with eyes glued to the screen with a feelings of terror running through your whole body. However, I'll admit that I enjoyed this part as well. Not as well as the last part, but enough to let me breathe a sigh of relief. There are of course more things I'm irritated about, but that's for the list.

Shall we begin?


1) Violet's attempts to run away from danger- Since the book shifts to Klaus and Sunny's perspective, we don't know what happens to Violet between the time they waited for her and then attempted to find out what Count Olaf did with her. (Although in the book they don't know that until Olaf mentions over the intercom about a branioechtomy for a certain patient). This episode shows that, despite being stuck in a terrifying situation, Violet can still handle herself. She manages to grab a scalpel and cut herself loose and then tried to rescue Babs. Not like it worked what with Babs being hysterical, but hey, A for effort.

(Actually, that's a weird expression. Effort doesn't even start with an 'A'...).

2) The butterfly guy- I think he's called a lepidopterist actually. (I had to look it up). I remember reading about it in the book and I thought this was kind of a fun scene to watch. Not much else about it. I just liked all the butterflies.

3) Hal's despair at the Library of Records' destruction- The scenes with Hal in it make you feel so sorry for him! In fact, I know his pain! As an avid writer, I have shelves upon stacks upon folders upon loose-hanging stories and I use them all to build upon or improve past stories or create new ideas or characters for the future. Or just reread them in fondness. However, I have lost several stacks of those precious papers I once owned and all I remember feeling was devastated. All my stories, my gradual shift in writing, my raw ideas from an innocent childhood...gone. Ruined. Missing. Long destroyed by now. So seeing Hal's reaction at the library being destroyed and knowing the children had tricked him...the pain on his face is just so raw you just want to go in and hug the poor guy! And this goes on several times. He and Mr. Poe bond over lousy secretaries (which I guess means Jacqueline's in the Hinterlands now...for some reason...) and then he confronts the children afterwards and is so upset. Even the kids felt terrible, though their apologies fell on deaf ears.

4) Klaus and Sunny have a much better disguise- In the book, they tried to disguise themselves as the two pasty faced women which, when I read it then, kind of confused me. Oh yeah, great disguise you two. This one is much better and honestly, Klaus' deep voice and his knowledge on practically everything makes him a much better fake doctor than Count Olaf. Not going to lie.

5) Babs gave Olaf the idea of hiding Violet's name in an anagram- In the book, Klaus and Sunny are only able to find Violet after guessing that if she's on the list for the operating room, she's probably on the hospital list somewhere. This episode however explains the logic behind this idea. Olaf could have easily just stashed Violet in the broom closet or in some locked patient room and Klaus would never have found her. However, in the hospital, every little thing is documented for the record, so someone would have found it rather suspicious that there was a patient prepped for surgery and yet they weren't even able to be located in the hospital records. So by Babs explaining that, it gives Olaf the idea to treat Violet like a patient and put her in the farthest room in the hospital where she would be out of sight and away from suspicious eyes.

6) The man who looks like neither man nor women survives- Now, I won't lie, I felt sad when this character died in the book, but not by a lot since he was kind of more like a grunting background character. Here, even though he's practically emotionless, I still enjoy him a lot and I'm glad he got out okay. Whether or not you find that fair is up to you, but I'm glad someone survived! Also, he made a third Shining reference. Not sure if that'll get old quick, but these directors sure enjoy that movie.

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