Bad Boy [No.18]

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Third Person P.O.V

What a lovely day this was turning out to be.

First, when she woke up in the morning and looked at her reflection in her shared bathroom's mirror, her eyes held no bags under them.

That new treatment ad wasn't lying when it said that it 'works like magic'.

Her skin looked great. There was almost a light glow to it. It was hard to predict that she'd attended a party until late at night on the day before.

Then, in the afternoon, she'd found $5 laying on the floor on her way to lunch, in the middle of the hallway. Who knew? On the exact day she'd forgot to bring money, a crisp and lonely $5 bill would humbly grace her with its presence.

After that, when she used the same $5 she found to get something from one of the vending machines, it had given her an extra bag of chips!

And to top it all off, when she was making her way to class, she spotted her crush coming her way. When she walked past him in the empty hallway, something just told her to turn around.

As she did, their eyes locked, before Kim Namjoon quickly averted his twinkling eyes.

At this point, she really began to question if someone had given her the lucky touch. Because so many good things following suit in an unbroken chain of pure luck like those that plagued her today were only seen in movies.

She found that the hallways were not crowded like usual today. They could even be considered as lonely, and abandoned.

So peaceful.

So quiet.

Yep. This was definitely Carleslie's day.

Then, something struck her mind.

As she walked toward her next class, she thought of something.

Why the fuck is it so quiet?...

It's true, with such a crowded college like her's it was odd for there to even be a pinch of silence anywhere in any of the buildings. Let alone dead silence like right now.

With the exception of her own shoes, she could've sworn she could hear the sound of another pair from behind herself, but she shrugged it off, too impressed with the new level of silence in the halls that has never been accomplished before.

I'm not complaining though...

She begins humming a tune, appreciating the tranquility of the world around her.


The #1 Bad Bitch's P.O.V

Look at her carefree-ass...

Enjoying life at the fullest like I wasn't almost raped yesterday...and where was she during that? Nowhere to be found that's where...

I was on my way to the destination of misery that is Intro to Psychology (fuck psych 101), when I spotted the familiar cascade of waved brown that draped down just past my so-called best friend's shoulders.

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